No one's P.O.V. (Again!)

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The next few weeks went by quickly for them all. It was half term, that means they had a week off and it was Kami's birthday! All of them were hanging out in Tokyo, buying stuff from different stores. After being there for a few hours Kami says "Guys, I need to go back home, cuz I'm going out with my family for my birthday." "Ok! We'll come back with you!" Yui says. Ikari nods her head in agreement. They all walk to Tokyo train station and wait for a train to arrive. Shortly after they arrived, the train came, they all walked inside and they found a six seater with a table in between. On one side, Yui takes the window seat, Ikari sits in the middle and Kami takes the aisle seat. One the other side, Suzu takes the window seat and Koruzu takes the aisle seat.

Kami, Ikari and Yui looked at each other, confused. "Why are you guys sitting away from each other?" Kami questioned. "What? She wanted the window seat and I wanted to aisle seat that's all!" Koruzu says. "Yea it's not a big deal!" Suzu added while looking at Yui, she smirks at Suzu. "Is that all?" She asks still smirking. "Yes that's fucking all dumbass! What else would it bloody be?! Jeez" Suzu snapped. She then faces the window. "Dumbass.." she mumbled to herself. Koruzu looks at all three of them, apart from Suzu, he dare not to. Yui is still smirking so Koruzu faces the aisle, blushing a little bit. He rests his arm on the arm rest and places the palm of his hand onto his face.

Not much happened, just the three girls talking, further into the ride, Suzu falls asleep and falls backwards but Koruzu catches her by the shoulders. "Are you just going to leave her like that?" Ikari asks. Koruzu looks at her. "Well what else am I supposed to do?" He replies. He sits next to her and puts her upright but a second later, she falls and her head lands on Koruzu's shoulder. Koruzu slightly blushes. Yui once again smirks. Ikari looks at Suzu and immediately falls to sleep, Kami sits her upright "It's like another 20 minutes until we get back." Kami says. "Yea I'll just go to sleep myself then," Yui says, as she leans her head against the window and shuts her eyes.

Kami gets her phone out of her pocket and scrolls through it, Koruzu just sits there awkwardly and Kami noticed. "Why do you look like you're panicking, and feeling awkward?" Kami asks. Koruzu just looks at her. "Well, she's a girl.." he says awkwardly. Kami just looks at him. "Great observation. But seriously just chill out bro." Kami says while looking back on her phone. A while later, Koruzu begins to nod off and rests his head in Suzu's head. Kami noticed after a bit and takes a picture or two. "I can use these for blackmail later" Kami says mischievously. Once they are near the station Kami begins to wake everyone up. She wakes Yui and Ikari up, Yui quietly laughs and Ikari just smile. Kami wakes up the other two and Koruzu wakes up first.

As he noticed that he has been sleeping on Suzu, he blushed. He then noticed Suzu waking up, he moved over to his side. Suzu wakes up to see Kami,Yui and Ikari laughing and Koruzu facing away from her. The train then pulls up to the station and Koruzu is the first to get up. All of them make their way off the train and out of the station. Once they reach Kami's house, they are greeted by Kami's older brother, Kaori. "Hey Mizuki, uh you know that they are all here right?" Koari says. "Yea I know" Kami replies, she turns around to look at the others. "You can c'mon in while I get changed." Kami says. The others follow behind her and walk into the living room as Kami goes up to her room.

Koruzu, Ikari, Suzu and Yui walks into the living room and are shocked. In the living room is sat two pro-heros dressed up, but not too fancy. A white buttoned dress shirt, black shoes and black trousers. Koruzu and Yui are surprised to see the pro-heros Chargebolt and Shinsou. They are sat close together, Chargebolt has his arm around Shinsou. They notice and wave over to the three and Ikari, and Ikari is the only one to wave back as she didn't know who they were pro-heros. Ikari turns to face Koruzu and Yui. "Are you guys ok?" She asks. Suzu was the only one who wasn't shocked. Koruzu looks at Ikari. "Umm, do y'know those are heros right?" Ikari looks confused, Koruzu grabs his phone and Googles them and shows Ikari. "Look they're pros!" He said. Ikari looks at the picture, then at Shinsou and Kaminari. "Omg, they're pros that's so cool!" Ikari shouts with excitement.

Hitoshi and Denki laugh a little, Yui, Suzu and Koruzu all laugh and all go closer to Shinsou and Denki "Wait if Shinsou is married to Kaminari, then how come you both have your own last name?" Koruzu asked. "I keep my last name for work so it's easier for my kids to have a normal life, because not many people know I have kids." "Plus it keeps us all safe and hidden away from villains." Kaminari adds. "So Mizuki and Kaori have my last name because not a lot of people know my real name." Kaminari says. Kaori enters and sits next to Hitoshi, he is also wearing similar clothes to his dads. Kami comes downstairs wearing denim blue jeans and a white shirt with a black jacket and yellow earrings, hair in a high ponytail.

Well that's this chapter done! I hope you enjoyed it! And I have a question. Since no one answered the last one, who's your favourite character right now? And yall better answer!! Anyways have a awesome day/night my mha fans! ✌️✌️

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