Yui's P.O.V.

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Me and Ichika are sat in our room doing our own thing, I feel a bit uncomfortable in the silence so I go to Ichika. "What are the names of our little friend group again?" Ichika put her phone down and turns to look at me. "Well there's Ikari, Kami and Koruzu, and there's us too." She picks her phone back up. "Why?" She looks at me confused. "Ikari and Kami are girls and Koruzu is a boy right?" I say. She nods. "Koruzu is the only boy correct?" I say. She looks at me confused. "What are you trying to get at?" She looks at me blankly. "And he's single isn't he?" I say. Ichika glares at me. "Yea I believe so..." Ichika looks back at her phone.

"Why does it matter?" Ichika says. "How do know all of that personal information?" I say. "He's my friend and I talk to him bitch." Ichika says kinda confused. I laugh and smirk at Ichika. "Yeah, just a friend." I laugh a bit more. I wiggle my eyebrows and smirk at Ichika again. She looks up at me with a faint pink blush on her face. She glares at me, once she fully realised what I meant her face went bright red. She puts her phone on her bed and slowly pulls herself up from the bed. She takes really slow steps towards me.

I quickly ran and went behind my bed, looking around I notice that I can make a run for it to the door. I stand up and rush to the door, I open the door while grasping the handle tightly. I look at Ichika, she bangs her fists against the wall aggressively. "I'll tell papa and dad, I'll tell papa and dad!!" I yelled at Ichika. I watch her carefully, trying not to get smacked into a wall again. "Ichika, Yui be nice, no fighting!" Dad shouted from downstairs. I then see Ichika walking towards her bed and sits down.

I notice while she was walking, that she was stumbling. Trying not to use her hands. I know what she was doing, she was storing the Kinetic energy for later. I leave the door open, just in case if Ichika does anything. And I get into my covers trying to go to sleep. Five minutes later, papa told us to go to bed and we did just so. I notice Ichika wide awake, looking rather uncomfortable from storing a bunch of kinetic energy in her. "So you like him then?" I ask Ichika while smirking, I turn around and faced the wall trying to fall asleep.

I zone out everything around me, next thing I knew, someone had their hands on both of my ankles. I'm dragged to the edge of my bed and then all of the sudden, I'm thrown out of bed viciously and through the open door. I scream to the top of my lungs as I use my quirk to create a soft landing, but my back still slammed against the wall. "Shit..." I mumbled. I look over to our room and see Ichika death panning me. "That's what you get, plus it helped to get the kinetic energy out." Ichika yelled. Jeez I can tell she has anger issues. Papa came, and saw me, then looked at Ichika standing in the doorway.

He crossed his arm above his chest and looked at both of us, looking pissed. He walks towards me, and helps me down as I deactivated my quirk. I quickly ran towards my bed and I flopped onto it. Ichika walked to her bed and buried herself in the blankets and pillows. "Girls, if you carry on with this behaviour, you're both grounded! Your father is trying to sleep! He's got work early in the morning! Alright?!" He yells. We both nod nervously, trust me, you don't wanna be smacked by an angry Pomeranian! What does dad see in him?

He closes the door and turns the hall light off, and walks towards his room. Ichika whispered "I'll do worse to you if papa wasn't home asshole!" I gulped nervously and fell asleep. I sometimes think, where do we get our anger sprees from? Why do we swear quite a lot? I shrugged it off and went back to sleep.

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Have a nice day/night and see ya my mha fans! ✌️✌️

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