Koruzu's P.O.V.

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"We should probably go now." I say. "Yea let's go." Suzu responds. We all exit Kami's house, and I still find it crazy that I know someone with pro-hero parents! We stand outside and say our goodbyes but we all just stand there. "Do you know where we are and how we get back?" Ikari asks. Everyone shakes their heads. "Let's ask them for directions." Yui says walking towards the door. She knocks on the door. Kami opens the door with Shinsou behind her. "Hi, sorry to bother you but do you know where we are and how we get back?" Yui asks. "I'll just take you all home." Shinsou says while walking outside towards the car.

Shinsou unlocks the car and gets into the drivers seat, Ikari sits in the front passenger seat. In the back, Yui and Suzu take the end seats and I am squished in the middle of them. Throughout the ride, occasionally Suzu and Yui will bicker and I'm in between it. I wasn't really listening until I notice Suzu going over to Yui to punch her. "Oww!" Yui yelped. And she looks out of the window, Suzu looks out of her window too. I'm so confused, they were just arguing a second ago and now the two of them are dead silent. All you could hear was the conversation between Shinsou and Ikari in the front. "So, do you like cats?" Ikari asks. "Yea, yea they're cute." Shinsou replies. "Yeah you have a nice house!" Ikari says. "Thank you, it's not much." "You have any siblings?" Shinsou asks. "No I'm the only child." Ikari answered. "That's ok then." Shinsou says. "Yeah, how long until we get there?" Ikari asks. "About 5-10 minutes, that ok?" Shinsou says. "Yeah cool." Ikari replies.

The conversation between them was really weird, I suppose they had just met and they are both the quiet type. I look between Suzu and Yui and they are both looking out of the window, then I see Yui look at me and smirks. She grabs me by the shoulders and knocks me into Suzu. Suzu then looks at me with a blank face. Yui pulls me over to her and I'm leaning against Yui, Suzu has the look on her face, like jealousy and anger. "Yui you dumb bitch! Leave him the fuck alone!!" Suzu yells. She grabs my shoulders and pulls me towards her. "Ichika why don't you leave him alone?!" Yui snapped. I kept on being pulled back and fourth between the two with them yelling and screaming at each other. Yui has a tight grip on my shoulders, so does Suzu and they are both pulling me. Yui lets go of me and I land on Suzu, I quickly sit back up and we all sit in silence.

A few minutes later, Suzu unbuckled her seatbelt as she noticed that Yui's window is fully open. She then goes over to Yui's side of the car and grabs her neck and forcing her head out of the window! "Ichika let go of me!" Yui yells. "This is what you get for being a bitch Yui!" Suzu yells. "Just please let go of me!!" Yui pleaded. "Ok fine Yui, but if you start again. I will throw you out of the window!" Suzu warned. Suzu let go of Yui and sat back down in her seat, buckling her seatbelt. What the hell did I just see?! Ok now I'm scared. "We're here." Shinsou says. "Thank you." Suzu and Yui say in unison. They both get out of the car and get inside of their house. I recognise the street we are on, so we are not far from where I live.

Shinsou starts the car and we head off for my house. Shinsou ans Ikari are not talking as much, just the odd question. I pull my phone out of my pocket to check my messages, just my parents telling me to be home before 6 pm. Not long after we reach my house. "Thanks." I say. I get out of the car. I walk to my house, I get my house keys out of my pocket. I unlock the door and when I turned around the car was gone. I open the door and step inside.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Just to tell you, next chapter won't be part of the story. It will introduce Suzu's parents! Well have a great day/night my mha fans!! ✌️✌️

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