Ikari's P.O.V.

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Sitting in my seat, I look around at the other students. They all look so cool! As class was coming to an end miss Kendo stated "You can all leave 5 minutes early since this is your first lesson!" We pack up our bags, I take my time listening to my excitable class mates chattering about nothing in particular, closing my eyes almost overwhelmed me by the amount of conflicting emotions everyone was feeling. I suddenly feel a soft tap on my shoulder, I realised me and Kami were the only ones left in the classroom. Getting up I follow Kami to the cafeteria, we settle down at a medium sized table.

" I'm so confused how you have no idea who PRO-HEROS are!!" Kami exclaimed. "The only pros I know of are Froppy, Anima and Cellophane" I comment shyly. "You know what! I'm going to make a presentation to show you!" Whipping a laptop out of her bag, she sets it on the table;logging in she gets to work. We sit there for a few seconds before she slides the laptop over to me - that was fast! Must of used her quirk. I start flicking through the slides as she explains "This is the number 1 hero at the moment - he goes by Deku!" A wave of confusion washes over me, "There's a number 1? So are they in order of the strongest?" "Yea, sort of." She replies casually. Continuing to look through the PowerPoint, I come across one of the lower pros, " I cannot stop twinkling.... that's a weird name for a hero, right?" "Yea, pretty sure they went through one of those phases when choosing his name" "Oh I hope I won't regret it when I figure out my hero name" "yea same" she chuckles.

We continue through the PowerPoint and learn more of the heros. Looking up, I noticed Kami waving over three other first years I've never seen before. There were two girls and one boy; the girls looked extremely similar in certain ways, so I assume they're both sisters. They were both the same height having a mix of dark and light blues as well as streaks of blond. Blood red eyes complimented their generally built bodies, the blond sister held a small smile on her face her emotions showing excitement and contented, however there was something else I couldn't quite place... The one with the light blue hair had a slight look of annoyance, despite this she felt quite comfortable. The two sisters were talking to a taller boy, he had a slim figure and slightly darker skin than the other two. My eyes were drawn to the small goat horn growing from his head, his seemingly pupilless eyes making his appearance vaguely intimidating. His jet black hair was pulled into a small ponytail and through his worried look was pure wonder and happiness.

Walking towards me and kami, I wouldn't have been surprised if they were 1A's most popular- they were all (generally speaking) quite pretty. Kami greeted them all sweetly as they all sat down, a sense of awkwardness filled the air as there was a moment of silence between our group. One of the girls noticed me and question: "Who's that?" Kami answered for me - I silently thank her - "This is Ikari Kanjo, I just met her today, she's in my class." They look at me as I smile awkwardly "Hi Ikari, I'm Yui, this is my sister Suzu and this is someone we've met today Korozu - I'm actually in your class!" I nodded; walking in I had noticed her sat in the front row.

Looking around like a lost puppy, I sat in quietness listening to my class mates talk - how do people do that so easily? It wasn't long after we ate that they started to question me about Kami's laptop, I tell them how I only found out today about the different pro-heros; they gawked at me shocked. I explain how my family have pride in my education; that I know later life things - like first Aid, taxes and how to drive a car, however they have closed off any way of me being 'unsafe' or 'unhappy' so I wasn't able to go see friends or watch the news so... I didn't know much common knowledge about anything: especially meeting new people or making friends. My voice was bearly above a whisper when I stopped talking, they all just glanced at me sympathetically.

Trying to combat the again growing silence, I start to compliment them.... badly.

"I like your uniform!" "We have the same uniform...?"
" You have a horn!" "Umm yeah" "yeah"
"Errrm, I like your blue hair!" "Umm blond" "I mean the roots" "Oh... thanks..?"

I sit there embarrassed as I feel the confusion and laughter, coming from the people around me. "So what's your guy's quirks?"
Yui goes first "I can control nature and plants around me"
"I can absorb kinetic energy, and make my slaps, kicks, punches and flicks more harder than the normal human can." Suzu replies carefully.
"I can use other people's quirks if they use it on me!" Korozu says.
Finally Kami replies " I can glitch and hack technology through my hands."

We continue to chat as I mindlessly flicked through the pro-hero PowerPoint, I then come across Chargebolt - Denki Kaminari. "Hey Kami, you and this dude have a similar name" I laugh. Kami panics a bit and glances at Suzu. Korozu says "Yeah! It's almost like they're relate-" cutting him off "That's so cool" The whole thing is then completely forgotten.

We changed korozu's hair a little bit but I hope you liked it!! To be honest, I'm really tired so I hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a good day/night! Bye my mha fans!!

We changed korozu's hair a little bit but I hope you liked it!! To be honest, I'm really tired so I hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a good day/night! Bye my mha fans!!

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This is so cute! 😊😊

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