Kami's P.O.V.

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On Thursday, an assembly was called. Shinsou was at the front, Nezu came out of his scarf and I was shocked. Suzu just looked at me weirdly. The headteacher was at the front, ready to address the school, everyone was talking so he was waiting for everyone to quiet down. Everyone noticed and they quieten down. Everyone faces him, waiting for him to speak.
"Hello my wonderful students! Have you noticed how shiny my fur is, it's so beautiful isn't it?" A mutter of 'yeah' is said amongst the students. "Anyways, I don't know if you know but in a few days, there would be a sports festival to see how much you've learnt so far into the year. We haven't done it for a few years for safety reasons but we have it running again! You can train over the weekend for Monday, the rules goes by anything besides killing. That's all for the sports festival, anyways don't you think my fur is so shiny?"

The students stand up, Shinsou picks up Nezu and places him on his shoulder, Nezu then climbs into his scarf and then Shinsou walks off the platform. A few students, including Suzu, are confused but don't question it as he is a bit older and really small. Me, Ikari, Suzu and Koruzu all go to the common room and we sit around the coffee table we usually sit at, we talked about anything that came to mind. A bunch of other students come and sit with us but a few students had to sit on the floor since there isn't enough chairs. We all have a small conversation with a few talking to get to know each other and the rest just listened.

After a while, Sukuna comes into the common room and stands behind where me and Ikari are sitting. He looks around, trying to find a chair, Gojo just smirks. Sukuna is still scanning the room. "Sukuna!" Gojo shouted. Getting Sukuna's attention. "Ya looking for a seat?" Gojo asks. Sukuna just nods. Gojo sits up probably in his chair and uncrosses his legs and pats his lap. "Why don't you come and sit here? I've saved it specially just for you!" Gojo says. He just stared at Sukuna with a straight face, Sukuna just goes red from embarrassment. Suzu, Koruzu and a few others started to laugh uncontrollably.

Sukuna just walks over to Gojo and stands in front of him, Gojo leans forward and gently grabs Sukuna's waist and pulls him forward. "Get the fuck off me! Pervert!" Sukuna yells. Gojo instantly lets go. Sukuna grabs Gojo's shirt collar and lifts him up. "You wanna go, like right now?! Hey will fucking hurt you!" Sukuna whisper yells. Gojo just gives him a lustful look. "Yea I wanna go..." Gojo pauses "On a date." Gojo bites his bottom lip. Sukuna just goes red from embarrassment again. He throws Gojo onto his chair again and moves away.

He walks over to me and Ikari, we shuffle slightly and he sits on the arm of the chair with his arms crossed and lips pouted. I can tell he was still red from what Gojo said to him. Gojo sat up on his chair and him and his friends laughed. Suzu and Koruzu was still laughing, but not as hard as before. There is an awkward silence for a bit, but then conversation started up again. It gets to 9:30 pm and a few people have to go to bed, train or do homework. There is still me, Ikari, Suzu, Koruzu, Gojo, Sukuna, Dobutsu, Terepoto, Furaito, Kiba and a few others.

A few people almost fell asleep in their chairs or they are just tired. "Imma go to bed now, night yall!" Sukuna says, while waving everyone goodbye. Gojo instantly followed Sukuna and puts his arm around Sukuna's waist, he tried to get his arm off but failed as they walked to their dorms. "Wait are they dating? Did they used to hate each other or something?" Dobutsu asked. "Yea they are just friends... WITH BENEFITS!!!" Suzu said. Everyone looked at her, I just face palmed my head. "Look, Gojo is teasing him, nothing else." I say. "Oh ok then.." Dobutsu said. Suzu just flipped me off. Rude much. Suzu stood up. "Guys, I'm going to start training if anyone wants to join me." Koruzu just nods and follows her.

So it's just me, Ikari, Dobutsu and Kiba. We talk about the most random things. Later on, we all decided to go to bed, we all get up and walk towards our dorms and we wave each other goodbye.

That's another chapter finished!!! I hope you guys enjoyed it, and I hope you have an amazing day/night!! Goodbye my mha fans!! ✌️✌️

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