Kami's P.O.V.

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I leave Suzu's house with pure joy. I put my earphones in, and put my playlist on and made my way home. The walk was peaceful, it was still light. Not many people or cars were going by, but it was a quiet neighbourhood. I still couldn't believe that I got into UA, I was a bit upset that me and Suzu were in different classes but we couldn't help that. The wind picks up so I put my hood up.

Once I get home, I grab my keys out of my pocket and unlock the door. I walk in and slip my shoes off. I shut the door and walk further in, I notice that nobody is around "hello?" I shout to check. I get no response. I knew my fathers were busy with work and my brother must have gone out. I go to my room and flop onto my bed. I scroll through different social medias for a while. I then start to pack my bags for UA as we start tomorrow. I fill the suitcase and put it by the door. I was still surprised I got into UA as I've only been training my quirk for 6 years. I was a really late bloomer, I got my quirk at 10. For most of my childhood I was named quirkless. Once I got my quirk, both of my dads helped me train, because they knew I really wanted to go into UA. My brother- Kaori helped me as well sometimes. Kaori also goes to UA, he will be a third year once I start.

I start to get a bit hungry so I head to the kitchen and my brother is there. He notices me " Hey Mizuki, how've you been?" I walk closer to him " I'm good" I grab a glass from the cupboard and place it on the counter. " guess what?" I look at him, he gives me a questioning look, I reach into my pocket " I got my letter from UA" I show him the letter and he begins to read it " I got in" he reads the letter " really?! Well done!" He's so happy for me. My brother has just been out to the shops and he bought himself some sweets, so we open the bag and we had a small celebration in the kitchen.

My father gets home and notices us in the kitchen, so we tell him the great news and he's also very proud of me. We all go into the living room so we can sit and talk. My father tells me everything I will need to know about UA. My brother also says everything he knows. Since we leave tomorrow, he wants to do some last minute quirk practice. I do some simple training such as powering up the shock power. I over use my quirk and a side effect to my quirk is my voice will go slightly auto tuned and I can't form proper sentences. Kaori notices " hey 'Zuki, you okay?" I look over at him " good I am, yeah" Kaori and my father laughed at me. We go back inside and my dad just got home. We talk for a bit and have dinner and then settle down for the night.

Monday morning I leave for UA with Kaori, we wave our dads goodbye and head to school. After a bit of walking we finally make it to school. Kaori points me in the direction of the dorms. " Bye Kaori" I wave to him " Bye Mizuki" I walk over to the massive dorm building and slowly walk inside. There are a few people spread around the common room. I walk over to the dorm area, my dorm was number 14. I find my dorm, I opened the door and turned on the light and set my suitcase on my bed and sat next to it. The room was spacious then I imagined. There was a plain bed against the window, an empty desk with a shelf above it, at the end of the bed on the wall is another shelf and near the door is a wooden closet. The bell goes " I have to unpack later"

I head out of my room and close the door behind me. I notice to my right stood a girl, she is slightly taller than I am. She has green eyes and light brown, short hair. She looked a bit lost and confused " oh, hi do you happen to know where class 1B is?" I slightly smile " yeah I do, I'm on the same class if you want to walk together" she nods. We set off out of the dorms and into the main building. On the way to class we had a small chit chat, I found out her name is Ikari Kanjo and her quirk is emotion based. She can feel and change anyone's emotions. Once we make it to class we found our seats, I'm sat in the back far corner by the window and Ikari is sat in the chair in front of me.

The teacher walks in and it's the pro-hero Battlefist. " hey students, you may know me as the hero Battlefist but since I'm your teacher just call me Kendo Sensei, I hope I get to know you all during our time together and of course you'll have me for three years." I can't believe we have a pro-hero as our teacher! Ikari turns around to face me " she's a pro-hero?" I was shocked when she said that, she had no idea who she is- that seems crazy. " yeah she is" I get it she's not a big hero but she's pretty famous. " do you honestly not know who she is?" Ikari shook her head. I was so surprised " ok, I will fill you in later" she smiled and turned back around.

Kendo Sensei stood at the front of the class and she begins to explain what we are going to do today. " okay students, instead of different lessons you're going to have me all day so we can get to know each other. Tomorrow will be similar since it's only your first week. On Friday a pro-hero will join us so we can assess your quirks with 1A" she smiles, I'm glad our first week is going to be calmer than a usual school day. It is a free period so we can get to know our class mates. I go over to Ikari's desk and pull up a chair. She looks so confused " there are more pros?" I was so surprised. I look at her " what kind of world do you live in? Have you just been shot out of the world?" She looked back at me " I only know the pro- heros Froppy, Anima and Cellophane" I rest my head on the palm of my hand " oh yeah, I know those heros, they're rescue heros" she glares at me even more confused than before " there are different types?"

My hands and head are hurting like crazy!! And I love Ikari! She's so funny!
This took a whole evening to do but it was so worth it! My back is killing so I'm going to lay down a little bit. Enjoy my mha fans!!

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