First Day on the Job

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Today was my first day at my new job at the 118, I'm a firefighter, I have been for about 6 months but moved stations just recently.

I gotta admit, I looked pretty cute in my uniform fit if I do say so myself

So I took everything I needed and headed out to the firehouse. It was pretty cool and I was a bit nervous until a friendly voice said "Hey, are you Shayla?"

I turned around and smile at the man with brown hair, "Yes that would me."

Buck's Pov

I looked down from the balcony to see if Bobby was there, he was talking to a girl I assume was the new one joining the 118 today.

I couldn't see her face because she was facing the opposite way, but Bobby was facing my direction so I got out of their sight before he caught me looking, I didnt know this girl, but I also didn't wanna make a bad impression..

"You see the new girl yet?" I got startled hearing Eddie's voice, "I haven't exactly seen her yet, have you?"

He shrugged, "Nope, I just knew she was coming today. "

"Do you know her name?"

Eddie looked up in thought, "I think it's Shayla-"

"That would be me."

I jumped, she was right behind me, then she walked closer to us to be in both our view, "Hi I'm Shayla, what are your names?"

"Eddie" he shook her hand, then she looked at me, "Oh, I'm Evan, Evan Buckley..but everyone calls me Buck."

"Nice to meet you Buck." She put her hand back in her pocket after shaking mine, then she went over to talk to Hen and Chimney.

"She seems nice," Eddie tells me as he looks at her, then at me, "don't you think?"

"Uhh.." I looked down shyly, I didn't know how I felt about her yet..
She had such a warm touch and personality, I didn't wanna look at her the wrong way "She's okay I guess.." I said.

Eddie scoffed "Yeah okay Buck 7.0" he said jokingly. "Now wait a minute" I laughed nervously, "I don't wanna blow it with her, I wanna get to know her more.."

Shayla's Pov

Everyone was super friendly towards me and I already felt really good about being there..

But Buck seemed a little weird like..he seemed kind of scared of me..? Was it something I said?


After a while of talking to everyone for a bit, except Buck of course, the alarm when off so we all rushed to the fire truck.

When we got to the scene, we were all pretty mortified, A little girl around 11 or 12 was standing outside with her 2 little sisters and the house was almost all at flames, she explained to us that it was kitchen fire and their dog was still on the 2nd floor.

"Please save him! His name is Charlie!" One girl, "H-he's our best friend."

As Bobby, Eddie and Chimney went off to put out the fire, Hen asked the girl "Okay sweetheart are you sure no one else was in there with you??"

The other little girl told us "No but we thought our mom was home.. but her car isn't here and when we called her name we didn't hear her.."

Hen and I exchanged looks that say 'parents these days.'

As Hen and Buck began getting ready to get the dog out of the fire, I got the girls away to safer ground, they told me everything that happened.

Talking to these girls hit home for me on a closer level, it made me feel sad but I was still proud of them for getting out safely and calling 911, I'll always be happy to make them feel better.

They spent a while crying from fear for themselves, their house and their dog, soon enough the mom showed up, but along with the LAPD.

To distract the girls, I assured them that their dog, Charlie was in good hands. I was just thankful that they were okay even after I checked them to see if they got hurt.

Soon after the fires were successfully put out, and the mom was getting yelled at for leaving the girls home alone with the stove on, Buck safely brought the dog down to the girls who was safe, thankfully.

I watched Buck talk to the kids, with a genuine caring look in his eyes, it warmed my heart, I hoped maybe he'll give me a chance to feel a bit more safe around me, I just don't know what I did wrong..

As it was about time to leave, the youngest girl, didn't say anything to me, but just came up to me and hugged me goodbye..

I got in the truck, nearly wanting to cry, but of course I fought through and moved on.

Well, atleast I tried to..

Buck looked at me with a worried look, "Shayla, are you okay?"

I nodded and looked away, "yea I'm fine "

"You did great out there." He says, I look at him and put on a smile, "you too Buck"

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