8~ You Make Me Feel a Certain Way.

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~~Aaron's P.O.V~~

I turned over on my back and sighed. I was laying in bed staring at my ceiling, waiting for my alarm clock to go off. I haven't been able to sleep at all because of my parents and them yelling all night. They had quieted down a few hours ago but I just wasn't all that tired. I wasn't feeling to well either, my head hurt, my body felt gross and sore and I honestly I didn't want to go to school. I didn't want to deal with school work or teachers or Wade.

Wade came back to school a few weeks later since the incident and has been watching me closely. It's like he's the predator and I'm the prey, he's just watching. I don't know what his problem is, all I did was not give him some answers to some homework assignments. But there is one thing that can make school bearable, Bob and Mark. I haven't talked to Bob in a while and I feel a little guilty for it. I feel like if I'm around Bob, then Wade might attack him. I don't want him getting hurt because of me when I'm the one who deserves to get hurt.

I looked over at my clock right as it went off, that ear splitting screech it made sounding out that added to my headache. I quickly silenced it and buried my head in my pillow. Isn't school suppose to make me happy and comfortable about going and learning? Because most of the time I feel like shit when thinking of it.


School felt like it dragged on and on and on today. Wade went back to his normal stalking routine, I feel asleep in all my classes, I didn't eat lunch and just tiredly talked to Bob before he left. I hate today, but hopefully Marks class can cheer me up like normal. His soothing voice and funny jokes that make everyone laugh.

"How is everyone today?" I heard him ask the class, I set my head down on my desk and closed my eyes. I have a great grade in this class so if I zone out for just today it won't matter, hopefully.

The class mumbled their answers and continued talking amongst themselves. I heard Mark chuckle.

"Well, let's get down to business. Today we are going to learn about-" and that's when I zoned out. I was so drained. I always was. I'm surprised me always being this tired hasn't dropped me grades. At least I can use this time to think.

In a few more months I can finally get away. From my home, from this school, from this town. I'll have graduated and be on my way not having to deal with any of this anymore. There was one small problem though. Where would I go? Where would I live? It's not like I have money and no one is going to want to hire me for a job. I don't have a friend to let me stay with them for a while, I don't even have a car. I passed my driving test and I have my license but my family is too broke to afford anything thanks to my dad.

I'm basically stuck but I have to work something out. Maybe I can have every kids starter job and work at a Starbucks or an ice cream shop.

I also realized that since I met Mark. My daydreams have ceased. I could no longer think of a paradise or a friend to go to. If anything and how girly and stupid it sounded, all I had to think of was going to his class an id be calm and happy again. It's stupid I know but I actually kinda like him, as a friend of course. A close friend. Friend. Yeah.

The school bell rang waking and disrupting me and my head shot up.

"Uhh, Wade please stay after for tutoring," Mr.F said from his desk looking down at some paper work. Wade groaned in annoyance and sat back down, hugging a blonde girl before she skipped out the door with the others. I started to gather my things slowly not wanting to be in a rush to go home and see my father. Since Mark defended me, and my dad having to be the one to find out, I haven't heard the end of it between the yelling constant fights.

I wanted to walk with Bob today but he told me he had to go home early, like right after lunch. I made my way to the door before hearing a throat being cleared.

"Uh, Aaron can you stay after too? I need to talk to you." Mark looked up to me hopefully. I nodded and set my stuff down at an empty desk before turning to him. He got Wade situated with extra work before walking over to the other side of the room with me, both of us turning away from Wade slightly.

"Are you okay? You've been a little out of it since, well you know." Mark said quietly. I shrugged a response.

"I don't know I guess. I've been a little tired lately but that's all, no worries." I lied. I mean I was tired but I wasn't about to tell my teacher about my oh-so-perfect home life yet. That'll make for a different story.

"Okay I'm just making sure because I care and I lo- want to make sure you're o-okay you know? Like I k-know Wade has a thing against you and I don't want him hurting you again." Mark said defensively, his face going slightly panicky then serious and his arms crossing. I nodded with a slight smile. He was so caring and for some reason I loved it.

"Thank you, I really appreciate it." I said not knowing what else to say. He smiled our eyes locking together. I just realized how deep his eyes were, a rich chocolatey color that could go lighter in certain areas and darker in others. I felt lost looking in them as cheesy as it sounded but they seemed beautiful. He stared back into mine the same way like we were both mesmerized and caught in each other's trances.

Hie eyes flickered down to my lips for a short moment and I felt my eyes wander too. What was happening? I felt like I was being pulled in or something but I couldn't look away. Those lips though, so inviting, pink, kissable. Wait what am I thinking. No, I can't think like this.

I heard a cough from the other side of the room that snapped me out of my trance. I quickly looked away and walked to my bag. I looked up at Wade to see him eyeing me suspiciously but I looked away quickly and walked out of the room. Once rushing down the hall I hadn't realized how hot I felt, my cheeks burned, my neck felt hot and my whole body felt warm with a bit of embarrassment. Why am I feeling like this especially towards him of all people? And why did he mess up his sentence back there? What was he really going to say?

I shook my head and walked home the cool breeze cooling my skin. I need to stop being so awkward towards him, he is just a teacher and I'm just a student, nothing more nothing less. But it did feel nice being close to him.

~~Wow I actually updated. That's weird lol. I'm updating two chapters back to back because I feel bad for not updating in a while but I don't think you guys will like the next chapter, like at all. Sorry in advance. -Deetley~~

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