19~ Help?

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~~Bob's P.O.V~~

"Hey do you know where Aaron is?" Sean asked from beside me. We were currently sitting on his living room couch playing some video game that I honestly didn't care too much for. Sean was curled up in a fuzzy blanket while I just sat there kinda confused.

"I honestly have no idea. He said he would be here." I told him. Sean paused his game and turned to me.

"We can run by his house and see if he's there." He suggested. I shrugged.

"We can but maybe he is just a little late. He normally is." I said getting quieter towards the end. Sean raised an eyebrow.

"He was supposed to be here like 3 hours ago." Sean told me. I sighed.

"Okay maybe a lot late. He couldn't have just ditched us, he would have told me if he couldn't come over. I know he would have." I told him.

"Maybe he got sick or somethin'." Sean said unraveling himself from the blanket. "We should check up on him."

"Yeah, we should." I said getting up and putting my shoes on. I turned to Sean to see he already had his on and he was walking out the front door.

"Boys! Wait!" A male voice said from inside the house. Sean and I turned around to see a man in a police uniform walk through the living room. "Where are you two going?" He spoke with a thick accent.

"We are going to a friends house dad, we'll be back in a few minutes." Sean said to the tall man. He gave us both a stern look before nodding. "Keep your phone on you."

Sean nodded and we both walked out of the door. I lead the way knowing where his house was while the Irish boy trailed behind me observing the neighborhood. We soon approached a small worn down untamed house that I was familiar with.

"He lives, here?" Sean asked in disbelief. I nodded.

"Yeah. He never talks about his home life but I guess they couldn't afford much to maintain it." I said as we walked the path to the front. I noticed something odd though. The front door was opened slightly.

"What the." I peaked through the little crack and a horrible stench filled my nose. I scrunched my face together and looked back.

"I think something is wrong." I said quietly. Sean looked confused.

"What do you mean?" He whispered back.

"I mean his door was open when we got here and I don't think anyone is inside." I told him. I looked back through the crack and pushed the door open a little bit.

"Hello?" I shouted through the house. No answer. I gulped and turned back to Sean and nodded towards the door.

We both walked in and the stench surrounded us both.

"Oh jeez, what is that smell." Sean coughed. I looked around some more and ended up in the kitchen. I looked around and saw old expired food on the counters, meats, veggies, cheese, and an assortment of junk food that was still in their packages.

"Damn, someone didn't put their food away." I said mostly to myself as I looked around.

"Aaron?!" Sean yelled throughout the house. I gave him a stern look.

"Dude keep it down! We don't know who's here, it could be someone dangerous." I scolded. Sean frowned.

"Fine, I'll go look upstairs." He said semi quietly and left the room. I heard his feet pat softly on the stairs as he made his way up. I continued walking around the house noting how empty it was. I mean there was a sofa, T.V, coffee table and stuff like that but the shelves were barren and empty and I wouldn't be surprised if the rest of the house was. Did Aaron really live here?

"Hey Bob! You might wanna come see this!" Sean called from upstairs. I quickly made my way upstairs and through an open door into a boys room. There were clothes everywhere but other than that it was empty like the rest of the house. The clothes looked familiar too, this was definitely Aaron's.

"You should call your dad, have him investigate this." I told Sean. He nodded and quickly took out his phone.

"Dad? We need help. One of our friends has gone missing." He stopped for a second to hear his dad.

"Well the door was wide open when we got here, the house looks empty and it seems something's might be out of place, there is old expired food on the counters it looks like it could be a few days old and Aaron's room is a mess." He stopped and let his dad take it all in. I looked around and found a phone on the floor that was still on. I picked it up and showed Sean. "I also see a phone that's still on and it's opened up to the contacts so I think he was trying to call someone. Maybe it was the police." He told him. "Alright, okay, thanks dad." Sean hung up and turned to me.

"My dad says he is going to go to the station immediately and start an investigation." He told me and I nodded.

"Come on, let's look around the neighborhood. He's gotta be somewhere right?" I asked and Sean shrugged.

"I hope."

We both left the house quickly and started to search around seeing if we could find our friend, but we never found him. We only found one thing that could help us. A shoe.

~~Okay well I didn't like this chapter but I haven't updated in a solid month so I really wanted to get this done so you guys wouldn't murder me. I hope you all are having a great summer so far! You guys should read my other stuff too and I have like 4 new book ideas and their 1st chapters will be out soon, hopefully.. -Deetley~~

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