4~It's Gotta Be You Love

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~~Aaron's P.O.V~~ (Short chapter)

I woke up the next morning still sore from the other day. I couldn't sleep last night for some reason, because I had this strange feeling. I didn't know why or what kind of feeling it was but it sure was important enough to keep me up all night.

I rolled out of bed and groaned in annoyance of not wanting to leave it and went to the bathroom. I walked in and looked at myself in the mirror observing my face and the bruises. The one on my face looked a little less purple, but it was still slightly noticeable. It just looked like a bruise next to a slightly swollen eye. I ignored it as I continued to get ready.

I walked downstairs to grab my school bag and instantly smelled alcohol. Great, dads already drunk. I carefully looked around the room noticing my dad in the living room taking a swig of his beer while the TV was playing. I snuck passed him carefully and grabbed my bag by the front door. I heard him mumble something under his breath as I stepped out.

"Fuck!" I heard very loudly through the door before I heard something smash. I jumped back in fear and sprinted to school.

I got there out of breath with kids staring doing their normal by and calling me names. I tried to catch my breath as I walked into the school. I quickly walked to my first class ready for this horrible day.


"I don't even want to see you, fucker." Wade growled as he slammed me into a locker and closed the door. He sniggered and walked off with his group following behind. I huffed at his ignorance and banged on the door. Students looked at the locker I was stuck in and laughed and continued walking by. Fuck! I can't be late to class, my dad could find out and he will be pissed. Not like he isn't always pissed.

"Someone let me out!" I yelled, palms hitting the dark blue metal. The hallways eventually cleared out and I panicked.

"Please." I pleaded. I suddenly heard a clicking noise as the locker swung open revealing another person. I stumbled out of the cramped box and looked at the person.

He had on a simple grey shirt and glasses and he seemed to be a little pudgy. He had short brownish blonde hair and looked rather friendly.

"Oh my god, thank you." I breathed.

"No problem. I saw Wade push you in there and contemplated on letting you out. I'm Bob by the way." He said extending his hand. I looked up at him and smiled.

"I'm Aa-"

"Aaron Ash, the British 'new' kid that everyone in this school seems to hate for some reason." He smiled back and took my hand in his shaking it.

I laughed. "That seems about right." It was true, most of it. I wasn't new but apparently the name stuck with me. That name and also harsher names.

Bob opened his mouth to talk but was cut off by the late bell ringing.

"I'm sorry I got to go." I said quickly. "Bye." I said running off.

"Bye!" Bob called back. I quickly ran down the halls to my history classroom. I opened the door and stepped inside noticing the new teacher wasn't in here.

"Look who came out finally!" Wade yelled from his spot causing the whole class to erupt in laughter. I rolled my eyes and took my spot in the back corner, thankful that the new teacher wasn't here to count me absent.

I quickly took out my notes as the class continued it's chattering. I was sat here trying to imagine Mark being next to me to comfort me when a door opened and the class went quiet. I heard a few gasps and a few 'oh my gods' come from a few girls in the class. I really didn't feel like looking up to see who it was so I kept my head down.

"I uh, I'm so sorry class, I got a little lost in this huge school." A deep voice let out a breathy laugh and made some students laugh and some girls quietly squeal. He must be hella attractive if these girls are already fan girling over this teacher.

"Well anyway, my name is Mr. Fischbach and I am your new history teacher." He spoke, a smile clear in his voice. I looked up finally and as I did, I could feel my heart stop and my whole world spin. A dark, spiky haired short man with a red flannel and glasses was standing in front of the class. My jaw dropped slightly.

Mark, was up there, as the teacher. Was I just day dreaming again? Was I imagining him being up there?

His eyes scanned around the room with a big smile until his eyes meet mine. His smile dropped and his jaw hung open slightly like mine.

'Mark?' I mouthed still shocked. He mouthed something back which made my eyes go wide.


Did he know me? He is probably thinking the same thing though. We knew each other. But how? I only knew him through my day dreams but I always thought he was fictional. My imagination conjuring up a paradise to get away from life. Yes I thought of him as paradise but that's besides the point.

I looked away. I can't believe this. How is this even possible?

"A-alright class I uh, l-let's take a free day for today while I get uh, settled in. Uh no yelling or rough housing." He said to the class quickly and retreated to his new desk. The students quietly cheered and put their books away and talked amongst themselves. I kept my gaze to my desk with the same thoughts in my head.

Who is he and how does he know me?

I glance up towards his desk and saw he was staring directly at me. I looked back down as he looked away.

Why is this so awkward? We've never meet before. I couldn't answer these questions alone but maybe he could give me some answers.

I kept my intense stare at my desk as I anxiously wait for the bell to ring. As soon as it did I waited patiently as the students left the class, Wade of course had to shoot some snarky comment my way which I just rolled my eyes, like usual.

I got up and approached his desk. He was watching me the whole time as I stood in front of him.

"Mark?" "Aaron?" We both said each other's names at the same time which had both of our eyes growing wide.

"How do you...?" I trailed off. He raised an eyebrow at me as if thinking the exact same thing.

~~Omg... What is happening... What do you guys think is happening? I already know but, just wanted to know what is going on in your pretty little heads...

Also if you couldn't tell, yes this is a TeacherxStudent story so I'm sorry if that bothers any of you, I really like these types of stories for some reason... Also there will be no smut in this story because I'm not into that illegal shit man xD -Deetley~~

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