1~Hellish Reality

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~~Aaron's P.O.V~~

I swift movement of a hand ramming straight to my cheek was my wake up call. I stumbled back and fell against the coat rack by our front door and straight to the cold hard ground. I looked back up in fear of what could happen next.

"Fucking faggot. Get out of my house." My father growled, the strong stench of alcohol on his breath and clothes. He stumbled back into the living room where my mother was, dazed and red eyed with a small syringe filled with heroine sticking out of her arm. He sat down in front of her, mixing the poison and heating it up before tying his arm with a belt and shooting it into his own arm.

I ran upstairs, grabbed a dark sweater and my book bag from my room and rushed back down the stairs and walking to school in a fast pace. I was in horror from the sight I had previously scene although I was used to it. I've had to grow up with that for many, many years only this time I had witnessed my mother doing it.

I reached the school within minutes due to my fast pace and opened the large double doors. I pushed past the crowds of people who were giving me strange stares and went to my first class. I sat down in my normal spot in the back of the room and took out my familiar green journal.

The empty class room contained silence as my teacher, Ms. Williams, wrote today's lesson down on the board. The class soon filled with students who started to chat amongst themselves, the quiet growing louder and louder. A large group walked in just as the bell had rung and a queasy feeling filled my stomach. I turned away looking down at my note book right as the group noticed me.

My notebook was opened to yesterday's notes an I started to read my messy handwriting as I heard sniggers come from the group who sat beside me. I grabbed my pencil and started to scribble nonsense pictures off to the side of my notes try, g to look occupied by the group, if only it would work.

"Psst." One of the boys tried to get my attention as Ms. Williams silenced the class. I ignored him which in turn caused him to throw some wads of paper at me.

I turned to the big eared, brunette boy with a look of disgust which just caused him and his group to laugh.

"You might want to stay away from him Wade, he might have a disease or something." One of the blonde girls called to the him who was confronting me. He just smirked before turning back to his group muttering, fag.

I rolled my eyes. His words and actions honestly didn't bother me to much. He could say what he wanted to because I really could care less. I have bigger problems to take care of.

"Aaron." I heard a deep comforting voice called to me. I looked over to my side, opposite the group and saw my best friend sitting cris crossed on the floor beside me. His dark messy hair spiking up and falling to the left if his face, his glasses resting on top of his nose and a slightly tight fitting t-shirt that framed his body

'Hey Mark.' I thought, so no one would think I was crazy. He waved with a smile before looking past me to my tormenters.

'They're idiots.' He laughed rolling his eyes. I smiled slightly.

'Yeah, I wish I could do something about them.' I thought. Mark looked at me with determination before standing up and walking over to the group.

He stood in front of the group who looked at him like he was crazy for walking up to them, picked Wade up by the collar if his shirt and threw him to the floor, the group squealing in horror and surprise. I smiled at him as he started to punch and kick at my tormenter below him. The rest of the class was cheering my friend on while the group tried to pry him off of the bloodied boy.

He was about to throw another punch when my thoughts got disrupted.

"Aaron? Aaron Ash are you listening to me." I heard Ms. Williams call from the front. I looked up from my journal and around the quiet class before nodding.

I saw the group look at me before bursting out laughing. "What a loser." One of them called.

I looked back to my journal. I must have been daydreaming again, I thought when I saw Mark was gone and Wades face was still fine and the class being as boring and miserable as ever.

I rubbed my eyes and ran my fingers through my light brown hair before turning to the board, copying the required notes.

~~So this is the first chapter to Baby, We're Just Daydreamers. I know this chapter is short and bad but it's just to set the scene for story so it will get better. -Deetley~~

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