7~I Will Protect You

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(Warning, This chapter moves kinda fast and might be short. Like it moves really fast, I'm sorry)

~~Aaron's P.O.V~~

Do you ever get those dreadful, gross, groggy feelings while being sore for a few days? Like all your muscles feel sore and you get a headache and don't want to do anything? Yeah well that's how I feel right now. Drained and done.

I was at lunch right now with Bob while Wade yelled at us for some ungodly reason. He had been on my case a lot lately thinking I was getting extra credit for being friends with Mr. Fischbach in which he would beg that I do his school work for him. Of course I would refuse but that just pissed him off more and more. At this point he isn't even yelling at us for that reason, or at me at least.

"You know what, fine. Just be a little piece of shit, see if I care." Wade stormed off in a huff. I looked at Bob and we both started to chuckle.

"What was that all about?" Bob asked. I shrugged.

"Sometimes I have no idea. I think today was about homework he magically forgot how to do." I joked making both of us laugh a little more. We calmed down and started to eat more of our lunch.

"Hey do you think you could come over after school?" Bob asked taking a bite of his sandwich.

"Sorry Bob I can't. My parents need me home for our family dinner." I lied. Bob shrugged.

"It's alright. Family has to stick together." Bob smiled. If only he knew.

The bell signaled the end of lunch and I looked to Bob and smiled.

"I'll see you later." I said standing up and throwing my trash away.

"You too." Bob said before we walked off in different directions. I walked into my history class and went to my normal seat towards the back. As usual I was the first one here, the only one here other than Mr. Fischbach.

I looked up noticing he was looking at me so I smiled. He smiled back and looked back down to his computer, typing away.

I looked back down to my desk. I quickly got out a pencil and my notebook and began to get ready for the class.


The final bell rang about 20 minutes ago and yet I was still in Marks class. It wasn't bad that I was still in here, we were just having a nice conversation.

"So what happened to the deer?" Mark asked. I was sitting in one of the desks towards the front with Mark watching me with a hand under his chin. His elbow was to the desk as he propped his head up watching and listening to the story I was telling about my dad taking me hunting for the first time.

"Well, I don't quite remember but I think we found it by a creek. I remember the arrow sticking out of the side of its neck and me screaming at my dad," I chuckled. "He kept telling me that this is what hunting is and I like went over to a big boulder and sat on it and started crying." I said. Mark smiled.

"Why?" He chuckled lightly. I shrugged.

"Well I was like 8 so, I didn't like animals being killed." I said. Mark furrowed his eyebrows.

"He took you hunting when you were 8?" He said with shock.

"He was an interesting dad." I shrugged. He chuckled and leant back against the desk he was in. I looked to the clock on the wall and my eyes widened.

"Oh crap. I got to go, I stayed to late." I said quickly standing up and grabbing my bag.

"Oh right." Mark said standing up as well. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and went for the door. I turned around.

"Uh, bye. Thanks for listening to my stupid stories by the way." I said smiling slightly.

Mark chuckled. "No problem, I actually enjoy listening to them."

I blushed. "Bye." I said before walking out.

"Bye Aaron!" I heard Mark call. I walked down the halls before walking up to my locker placing my text books inside. I had no more work to do so might as well leave them here. I closed my locker and sighed. I turned around and jumped slightly seeing Wade. What did he want now?

"Aaron." Wade said sternly.

"What do you want Wade?" I asked annoyed. He pushed me up against the locker roughly.

"I want you to obey me." He said angrily.

"I'll have you know I don't do this kind of thing on the first date, but if your just that kinky I guess." I joked. He brought his arm back and clenched his fist before slamming it into the side of my cheek causing me to yelp in pain.

"Shut up! I control you in this school. I own you!" He yelled and push me to the ground.

I could feel a metallic taste in my mouth and I knew he had spilt my gum when he punched me. I sat up a little using my forearm and wiped my mouth. "Bite me."

A shift kick to my side had me back down on the ground in a second, followed by another and another. He kept going making me wince and cry out. I closed my eyes. Why me? What had I done in my life to deserve this from everyone?

Suddenly the kicks stopped and there was a thud next to me. I opened my eyes and saw Wade tackled to the ground by non other than Mark. I looked around and saw the principle, our nurse and an officer running down the hall. I looked back and saw Wade swing at Mark hitting him in the jaw causing him to stumble over. Wade jumped on Mark and started to swing at him, cheek, jaw, eye, side of the head, you name it, Wade hit it.

"Enough!" I heard the principle bellow as the nurse and officer reached for Wade. Mark used what little advantage he had and kneed Wade between the legs causing him the cry out and stable over in pain. Mark straddled Wade and brought his clenched fist back.

"You stay away from him." Mark growled before hurdling his fist to Wades face. The punch was never delivered though. The officer and principle pried Mark off of him as the nurse rushed over to me with a first aid kit. I kept my eyes on the scene though.

Mark stumbled back with the officer as the principle rushed over to Wade pulling him up quickly, scolding him as they walked off. The nurse helped me up but I kept my eyes on Mark. Some other teachers had walked out of their rooms and we're watching the scene but I ignored there stares and kept my eyes locked with Marks. His faced was bruised and bloody but he just looked at me in concern, worry and care.

He saved me. He almost fought off another student to keep me safe. He could get fired for that. I felt my heart swell at the thought. The nurse hurried me off to the office with the officer and Mark behind me. The rest of the time went on hazy and soon we all were patched up. Wade was suspended from school for a month and a half and Mark got off with a warning because he didn't actually fight Wade. If that punch did reach Wade then he would have been fired.

The nurse called my father of all people to come get me and let me tell you, his face wasn't in the most happiest expression. I'm going to be in hell once we get home, that's for sure.

~~Hey would you look at that, I actually updated! It's been to long. Anyway quick a/n I hope you all saw that someone is going to be writing the rest of Times Change, Huh?...

Also I have two more books coming, one I already have the first chapter up, it's called Carnivore, its a cannibal markimash story and I'm in love with it and another one is a H2OVanoss one but I don't have it published yet. I also have a big book of one shots so check that out too! Thank you all for liking my works!! -Deetley~~

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