21~ Alone (Final)

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~~Aaron's P.O.V~~

The hospital room was quiet and the faces looking back at me were worried. I was confused though, wasn't I just in that room? With Mark and Tim? Why are my friends here? Why is Wade here? Why is Mark here? Why am I here?

"Aaron! Oh god are you alright? How are you feeling?" Bob asked quickly, moving to my right side with Sean. I shook my head and closed my eyes.

"I-I'm fine, I think. I don't feel so good." I said quietly rubbing my head trying to calm the dizziness. I felt weak and sick all around my body but other than that I think I was fine. I looked around recognizing almost every face, Bob, Sean, Wade surprisingly, some tall guy in a police uniform who I remember from the cellar and Mark. He was off to my left in a wheel chair wearing a hospital gown like mine. His arms and legs were bandaged heavily and he had a weak smile on his face. I smiled back and tried sitting up.

My body ached and I let out a soft groan.

"Hey, take it easy Aaron. There's no rush." Mark said softly trying to get me to lay back down.

"N-o I got it, it's okay." I assured him.

"The doctors said they were glad the police force found you both when they did. Aaron they said that if you weren't here days later then you would have gotten seriously sick, or get some STD's or some weird shit from that dirty place." Sean told me, speaking up a little.

I looked at him with panic. "I-I don't have any, r-right? Right?" I pressed. Bob smiled softly and shook his head.

"No Aaron don't worry. The doctors never mentioned anything like that." Bob said but then confusion washed over him and the others. "Wait, why would you have STD's?"

I looked down, utterly ashamed of myself. I couldn't bring myself to say it let alone believe it. I didn't want to face the fact that I was raped, multiple times at that. It was a disgusting thing to think about and I was beginning to feel a little squeamish and uncomfortable.

"I-I was uh-"

"Let's not talk about that right now." Mark said quickly, grabbing my hand and intertwining our figures. I felt relieved at the gesture but I couldn't bring myself to smile. How could Mark still want me after that? I was dirty, I was used, worn out.

"Wait what?" Bob looked confused. Mark and I looked up at him before separating our hands.

"That's why he got fired, dipshit." Wade muttered under his breath.

"No way." Sean said with a little smile. "Aww that's so cute. A little weird but cute!"

"Wait," Bob pointed at me, "you and him?" He pointed to Mark. I nodded sheepishly. "But he's our teacher." He said discreetly so the officer couldn't hear.

"I know, it's just, I-I can't explain it. Shit happens." I tried joking. The other guys laughed lightly but it faded and the room was quiet again.

"Aaron Ash?" I heard a voice from the doorway. We all turned to see a female doctor opening the door slowly.

"Yeah." I responded to her. She smiled.

"How are you feeling?" She asked checking on the machines. I watched her closely.

"Fine I guess. Sore, but fine." I told her. She smiled again.

"That's good, we have been watching you and your friend here for a few days now. You seem to be getting over whatever sickness you were starting to catch and your friends' wounds are healing very nicely which could mean both of you going home here in the next few days." She spoke softly. Mark and I smiled.

"Really?" I asked hopefully. She nodded.

"Of course! But obviously not without some medication." She told us Mark nodded and turned to me.

"Understandable." He said. The female doctor left and came back with another doctor to run a few quick tests and explaining how and when to take our meds. After all that it was just us and our friends plus Wade and the officer.

"Why did you come Wade?" I asked very curious as to why he'd even want to be near me.

"Well I mean I do pick on you a lot and Ive always seen how you come in with random bruises so when you didn't show up at school and the police were doing a full investigation there, I guess I was a little worried. I feel bad for picking on you, I really do. I can see that your life has been shit and I just made it worse. I'm so fucking sorry Aaron, I feel like this is all my fault." Wade said looking down.

I grabbed his shoulder and he looked at me. I smiled at him. "Yeah you are a douchebag and an abusive asshole but I forgive you. We all make mistakes but this," I pointed to the hospital bed, "is not your doing. It was my dads and trust me, I'm more than happy that you showed up to say that." I told him truthfully. Yeah I kinda hated him but he seemed to be genuinely sorry, and to be honest I didn't want to hold a grudge on him until school ended, that was only days away! And then graduation!

Speaking of that, how was I going to graduate? I haven't done any school related things in the past month so who knows how my grades are.

"Thanks Aaron." Wade smiled.

"Sean I think we should start heading home, your mother is probably worried and we have to take your friend home too." The officer said with a thick accent like Sean's, I'm guessing it's his dad.

"Uh, sir?" I asked. He turned to me. "Thanks for getting Mark and I out of that hell hole. I appreciate your work." I said lamely. The man smiled slightly.

"You two have a nice night, get some rest and heal up." He said before walking Sean and Bob out the door, but he stopped halfway.

"Oh Aaron?" He asked sternly. I looked up at him. "Don't worry about anything that happened at that camp. The old guy we found who you uh, you know, don't worry about that either. The judge is ruling it out as self defense so rest easy." Was that last thing Mr. McLoughlin said to me.

"Yeah I think I'm going to go to, I'm sorry for rating you guys out by the way." Wade said awkwardly.

"It's okay, bye Wade." Mark said before Wade left.

"I think I'm going to head back to my room, gotta get ready to go home you know." He laughed awkwardly. I smiled but then it dropped.

"I don't have a home to go home to." I said quietly. Mark frowned and took my hand again.

"You can stay with me. You can even sell your old house and live with me." He suggested.

I looked up at him in disbelief. "Are you serious?"

He nodded. "Of course! I'd want nothing else but to have you there with me by my side. I mean your 18 now it's legal, and you won't be able to keep up with that old gross house by yourself." He said. I felt happiness flutter inside me as I leaned over and softly hugged him.

"Thank you." I said softly. I could hear his little smirk and I pulled away. He kissed my fore head and I got settled into my bed.

"Goodnight Aaron." He said softly wheeling to the doorway.

"Goodnight Mark." I said back and watched him turn off the light and close the door behind him.

And I was alone again.

I sighed and closed my eyes. Honestly I was pretty damn tired and I felt like I could sleep for the next for years so I found no trouble getting to sleep that night, but I did find trouble trying to keep out the vivid and extreme nightmares the stayed in the dark areas of my mind, haunting me.

~~So yes this is the final chapter, yeah yeah I know I'm thinking the same thing NOOOOOOO!!! Tbh I really love this story and I'm sad that I won't be updating it any more, BUT DO NOT FEAR! There is a two part epilogue after this, but there will not be a sequel. So as always, thanks a ton for reading, voting, commenting, etc.. Go ahead and read some other things of mine and if your interested in non lengthy story things go take a look a my one-shot book. I love all your beautiful faces, -Deetley~~

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