10~ Walking Travesty

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(I'm trying to make this chapter long so let me know what you think...)

~~Marks P.O.V~~

I paced back and forth in my classroom Thursday morning before school with one thought on my mind. Aaron. He hasn't been here all week and I'm extremely worried. What if Wade got him? Impossible because they aren't even talking to each other. Maybe he just got sick? Yeah that's got to be it, but I was still worried. For some reason every time I thought of why he might not be here, I always thought of the worst case scenario and it was making my head hurt.

I asked the ladies at the attendance office if he had shown up at all on the school property but they haven't seen anything in their records. Dammit! Where is he? Why am I so worried? He is just a student. Oh screw the whole just a student bullshit I need him here, with me.

I think I remember his address, maybe I could drive by and see if he's home. Yeah that sounds good but what about all my classes? I'll just tell them to have a free day today. Yeah, yeah that should be good.

I continued my pacing as my first class piled in. They all gave me weird looks but I didn't care, I need to know if he's okay. What if I'm over reacting? Well I'll just have to find out.

"Uhh, go ahead and have a free day guys." I told them all. The students were more than happy to continue doing nothing while I sat at my desk and thought of that boy who always filled my head.

Several times I've had students come up to me and ask if I was okay which I had just nodded politely with a smile to get them to go away. I'll be okay once I know how Aaron is doing. The final bell rang and I couldn't get out of there as fast as I had wanted. I had to wait for my last class to leave and my tutoring session to be over which was eating up precious time. Yeah I seem like that asshole teacher but this was an emergency. Once everyone was out of the room I quickly packed my things and darted out of the school.

Last week was a little awkward between us and I almost slipped up by telling him something, something I'd only tell the daydream Aaron. I felt strangely connected to him like I always want to be near him kind of thing and I know I can't have feelings for a student but I cant help it. We may not talk to each other much but we seem to know a lot about one another through this whole crazy daydreaming thing. It was actually an interesting concept that I didn't want to try and figure out. Fate maybe? I don't know but nows not the time to think about this kind of thing.

I pulled up outside his house and noticed no car in the driveway. When I dropped him off here the first time he seemed a little weird about his home. I didn't want to push him but I did want to know what was going on in there because he seemed really out of it then. I parked my car at the opposite end of the street and walked up to his house nervous.

I clenched my jaw tightly as I raised my hand to knock on the door. No answer. Of course there wasn't why would there be? I reached for the doorknob and twisted it, noticing it being unlocked, and pushed it open.

"Aaron?" I called out sternly. No response. I walked deeper into the house, my nose burning from the strong musky smell that filled the tainted air. I coughed in disgust and looked around the living room. Stains from God knows what everywhere, needles, belts and other drug related equipment spread out along the room. I had no idea his family was like this.

Tears almost fell from my eyes looking at this mess of a home he has to grow up in. How long has it been like this? I continued through the house until I found a staircase leading to the other part of the house.

"Aaron!" I called again but a little louder. This is bad, what if he's hurt? I heard the sound of a door closing softly and delicate, light footsteps coming towards me. I panicked, what if it wasn't him?

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