23~ Why Can't the Past Just Die (Epilogue Part 2)

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~~Aaron's P.O.V~~

It took us a few hours to get from L.A to New York. We packed light because we were only planning on staying a few days, thankfully. The idea of New York didn't seem appealing to be honest, especially New York City. From what I've heard, filled with rude people, dirty places and hotdogs. I'd much rather visit somewhere else but that's where we had to go.

"Aaron?" I heard Mark ask from beside me as the taxi came to a halt in the dense traffic of the dreadful city.

"Hm?" I hummed I directed my attention to him. He reached for my hand and held it tightly.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I shrugged.

"Depends on your definition of 'okay'." I answered. He let out a breath.

"I mean with being here about to see, you know." He said quietly. I sighed and nodded slowly.

"I don't want anything to do with him, I'd feel disgusted to be near him but I'm sure this is important." I told him. He nodded and soon our taxi came to our destination, our hotel. The taxi took us right outside the city but close to the Connecticut state line so we could drive up to Litchfield later. Our rental car was already waiting at the hotel so we didn't have to ride in another dirt cab.

Mark paid the driver and we grabbed our bag before walking up to the run down looking hotel. The petite woman behind the desk sat in her chair popping her gum looking bored. Her face lit up though as soon as we walked in probably because she hadn't seen many costumers lately.

"Welcome to City Side Hotel!" She said with pep in her voice. She seemed bubbly. Mark smiles at her and I looked around. It looked gross but all we needed was a night or two. Out of the corner of my eye I could see her looking Mark up and down as he signed some things, she was clearly checking him out.

"You don't look like a New Yorker." She said trying to make a conversation she leaned over the counter resting on her elbows leaving her behind and chest on display for him. My fist balled up and I just wanted to go over there and do something like kiss him right in front of her, or just shove her out of the way. Mark looked at her and I think he noticed what she was doing but he only smiled.

"I'm actually visiting some people here with my boyfriend." He said nodding in my direction. She stopped chewing her gum and looked at me. I smiled at her politely and made my way over to his side. Her jaw dropped as she straightened herself out.

"Here's your key." She muttered and handed Mark the key. He smiled.

"Thank you!" He called over his shoulder as we walked off. I looked behind me to see her glaring at me. I stuck my tongue out at her and she huffed before walking away. I chuckled and snuggled into Marks side as we made our way to our room.

The night was quiet and uneventful. Just us getting settled in and watching TV. Quite boring. By the next day we got ready for our trip up north.

We walked down to the rental car and drove away from the shabby hotel and to the prison. The ride was also boring. I slept off and on and talked to Mark because the car radio was broken. I think someone stole it actually because nothing was there, just an empty hole. So we sat in silence, but to me the quiet seemed so violent like it was screaming at me so I just thought about things to keep me occupied. I though about my dad and how I actually killed him. It felt like some kind of burden on my skin, screaming out at me, screaming out that I actually killed someone with my own two hands.

I thought about my mom and how she'd be happy to see me being somewhat happy with Mark and me graduating. I thought of my friends back home probably getting packed for college or off partying. I just thought.

Baby, we're just daydreamers (Markimash)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora