9~ My Downfall

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~~Aaron's P.O.V~~

I had a dream last night, a horrible dream. A dream I wished I didn't have to experience ever. I didn't want to think about it ever, I didn't want to fall asleep after it, I just wanted to cry my eyes out after but I didn't. I just laid in bed that Sunday morning not wanting to move an inch because I felt that if I got out I would re-live the dream. The dread filling and sinking me, but within 10 minutes I seemed to forget about most of it.

I remained motionless in that bed, an eerie silence blanketing the house. It was a normal Sunday morning... For other families. On a day like this my parents would have their so called 'friends' over shooting up heroine but not today. I was in absolute fear. The house is never this quiet.

I turned my head to the side and looked at my alarm clock, 10:30am. It was time.

I sat up and swung my legs over the side of the bed, my stomach dropping. The silence was a bad thing in this house especially when my father had his day off.

I slipped on a pair of sweatpants over my boxers and opened the door to my room. I could hear mumbling coming from downstairs and I could already feel a small sense of déjà vu.

I crept quietly downstairs noticing my father slumped up against the couch with a bottle in his hand and a hazy smile on his face. Why was he smiling? I noticed my mother slumped up against the couch facing away from me and I inched closer to her.

"D-dad?" I asked cautiously. His head bobbed with that stupid grin plastered on his face as his eyes met mine.

"Yes son?" He asked smoothly making me cringe. His voice was enough to make your skin crawl and the bile to fill your throat. He was no father to me. He was scum.

"W-would you and mom like some breakfast?" I asked hesitantly. A sickening laugh escaped his chapped lips when I said mom. My stomach dropped again and the déjà vu was back.

"Mom?" He laughed bitterly, his grin turning to a frown as he took a swing of his poison. "What mom."

"My mother, your wife." I said getting defensive. I stepped closer to my mother, her back still facing me as I put my hand on her cold shoulder. She wasn't normally this cold but when I noticed two needles in her arm I knew why.

"She's no wife." He spit. "She's nothing but a sick bitch." He seemed to slip out into a high for a moment before going back to reality.

I scoffed at him. "Come on mom lets go make some breakfast." I said quietly to her. I got no response. "Mom?" I asked shaking her stiff, cold shoulders.

My stomach dropped as I felt more déjà vu. No. This couldn't be, how could it, not now, it wasn't suppose to be real.

I walked out in front of my mother, a horrifying sight in front of me. My mother was sitting on the tattered couch blood dripping from her wide open mouth, yellow glossy eyes rolled back into her head, thin pale arms and legs hanging loosely beside her and a strange scent radiating off of her. I gasped and ripped the needles from her arms and clutched at her boney cold shoulders.

"Mom!" I screamed tears spilling from my eyes. My dream was coming true, in every detail. I shook her violently trying to get some life in her again.

"Mom, no! No! No!" I cried. I kept shaking her as I heard a creak from beside me. My father had gotten up and was standing up behind me now. I turned around to him, furious.

"What did you do to her!" I screamed at him but he grinned.

"I fixed her. We don't have to deal with her anymore." He said evilly. My heart stopped. He killed her, him and his stupid drugs and lies and wretchedness. I lunged at him hitting his chest and kicking everywhere I could. He fell back into a shelf ramming his head into one of the sharp edges causing a loud crack to echo in the stiff air. I screamed and cried as I attacked him. He fought against me grabbing my wrists and throwing me back causing me to stumble and fell over.

"Don't make me do this Aaron!" He boomed as he straddled my hips pushing my legs down and grabbing a syringe from the table. I used my free hand to punch him hard in the face knocking him over and groaning in pain. I was surprised at my new found strength but I ran to my mother with more tears falling from my eyes.

"M-mom, no please don't leave me. Not w-with him. P-please." I pleaded looking into her dull eyes hoping to find the roll back into place and have her arms wrap around me but I knew it was too late. I sat in her dead lap and wrapped my arms around her frail figure. "Mom, I-I'm so sorry." I wailed. I heard an enraged groan from behind me and two strong hands grab my waist and pull me back. One arm wrapped around my neck tightly and the other lift up. I kicked my legs around and flailed trying to get free from his grip. I felt a pinch in my neck and I gasped looking to my right at much as I could seeing him inject me with something. I started to feel drowsy and my father slammed me to the ground and got on top of me slamming a fist to my face.

Over and over he went, blood soon covering his hand and my face white hot in pain. I started to feel more out of it as he started talking.

"You did this too us! We could have been a great family if we hadn't had you! You worthless, selfish boy. You ruined this for everyone including yourself. You're not my son. You never were. You and your filthy mother were the cause of all this." He finished standing up. I used what little strength I had left and rolled over on my bruised stomach. I cried out in pain and set my head against the carpet my vision fading out.

"You... Faggot... Worthless... Fault... Death... You... Killed... Us..." Was all I picked up before I blacked out.

~~I'm so sorry... -Deetley~~

Baby, we're just daydreamers (Markimash)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt