2~You're Just a Daydream Away

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~~Aaron's P.O.V~~

As the final bell rang signaling the end of the school day, I quickly gathered my books and pushed my way out the school doors. Other students gave me strange looks as I clutched my homework notebook to my chest and walked quickly in the direction of my house.

In all honesty I really didn't want to go home. My dad was probably going to be passed out on the floor while my mother would be stumbling about the house giggling to herself being so shot up on whatever my dad had given her.

Our home wasn't always like this. Not until I was twelve at least. My father had always been the 'cool' dad who would sneak me some candy or get me ice cream while my mother was very caring a sweet and gentle. She would sing me lullabies to bed and bring warm tea to my father and hot coco to me on cold nights. We used to be a normal family, until my dad had done something horrible.

My mother had brought me home from a seeing a movie one day and caught my dad with someone. Her usual kind demeanor had vanished and she lost it. She attacked the lady that my dad was with and once the lady fled she attacked my dad. She threatened him while he would try to console her, she was yelling a fuming hatred towards him. My dad eventually calmed her down with some weird stuff in a syringe and tied her down to the bed.

I was so horrified at what had happened that I started to sob. My dad was kind enough to send me over to a friends house while he tried to 'fix' her. Soon after that nothing was well. My mother was declared as crazy and not fit to be on her own, my dad lost his job and resorted to alcohol, we moved to the U.S and my father ended up getting his hands on drugs and somehow got a job at a local bar.

Since then my father would share his fix with her to keep her calm and when she did act up, he would beat her. In turn he would still be angry and beat me. Of course e would tell me to cover the bruises and all. They weren't bad people when they weren't high or drunk though. Sometimes my dad would lend me some money for school or new clothes. Sometimes my mother would cook some dinner or pack me a lunch for school. Sometimes she would put me to sleep, tell me she loves me. But that was only sometimes. I always am grateful for those small moments now a days.

I let out a deep sigh as I continued walking. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around to see a face I've been longing to see. My best 'friend' Mark was smiling at me as he kept his pace with mine.

"Don't look so down Aaron. Things will get better." He spoke giving me a sad smile.

"I know, I just wonder what it would have been like if my dad hadn't cheated on my mother. I wonder if everything would have been better." I said looking down, notebook still held tightly to my chest.

"I would too. But that's in the past now, all you can do is wait and hope now, not to sound rude or depressing or anything." He chuckled trying to lighten the mood. I smiled at his words.

"Sometimes I wish you were real." I muttered as his beautiful figure vanished from beside me.

I came to a stop as I reached my house, staring at the front yard that hadn't been cut in years. Weeds and dandelions littered the yard messily an the grass reach, g up to your ankles. I made my way up to the front door and opened it slowly.

I heard no yelling, no snorting, no commotion, just emptyness. I pushed my way inside and set my bag by the door.

"M-mom? Dad?" I called. No reply, what else would have been expected. I sighed and made my way upstairs to my room.

My dad doesn't have work today so him not being here is unusual, as for my mom, she normally spends her time either in the living room or the kitchen but I haven't seen her either. I stopped by their bed room and peaked in.

Like before I didn't see anything. Where are they?

Just at that moment I heard the front door slam along with grunting and whimpering.

"D-dad?" I called and went back downstairs. I saw my mothers frail body being dragged by my dad tough build a look of hatred an evil smeared across his face. He tree her onto the couch causing her to wail and sob as he snapped his head in my direction.

"You." He growled angrily and stormed closer to where I was stood on the last step on the stairs. The instant he had stood in front of me a swift throw to the jaw sent me falling back with a cry. I fell back against the stairs my back popping and cracking as my dad threw his leg over my waist and held me back by my shoulders. He raised his fist and I looked at him in fear as it came hurdling down towards my face again and agian, punch after punch, sob after sob.

I screamed out in pain but it only made things worse as he stood up and tree me off the last few steps. I crawled away from him looking over at my mother for a few short seconds. All I saw were tears silently falling from her face as she stayed sprawled out across the couch.

I felt one last kick to my side as my father walked away spewing profanities as he walked into his bedroom. I managed to get back up and slowly head back to my room as tears spilled like buckets of water from my pained eyes.

Everything hurt as I crawled into bed not even having the energy to make some dinner or doing my crammed homework. I pulled the covers over my head and smushed my face softly I to my pillow letting out more cries. I wish I had someone here right now, someone to hold me someone to get back at my dad, someone to take me away from all of this.

I cried harder as my thoughts were clouded with the thought of not ever being able to have that opportunity.

I felt a soft pat on my arm and I flinched and quickly pulled the covers back terrified that it could be my dad. I was slightly relived to see Mark but it only made me more upset.

"Hey, it's okay. Come here." He said softly as he pulled me to his chest. I cried into the soft fabric of his shoulder as his strong arms wrapped around me and rubbed my back.

"Hey it's going to be okay. It's going to be oka-"

"No it's not! Nothing is okay! I'm not okay!" I screamed and pushed him back. He fell off the bed and landed on the ground on his butt with a shocked face.

"Get away from me! You're not real! You're not real!" I sobbed into my hands as I pulled my legs up to my chest. I didn't hear anything else after that so I looked up wishing I hadn't.

I was alone again. Mark was gone and I was upset that I had pushed him away. He may be an imagination but he is all I have. I'm so alone.

~~I finally have a story line for this story!!! Yaaaayy!!! This chapter may be short but I'm pretty sure all of them will be... Also this was just a back story chapter so it was more of a filler... -Deetley

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