Treading Water

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Adam's arms flailed as he fell, the breath sucked out of his surprised lungs before he could manage to scream, feet kicking and hands clawing at the air. His stomach shot into his throat for a horrible moment as he plunged downward, and then an explosion of water erupted up around him as he plunged into the marble black surface of an unknown body of water. The cold hit him like a speeding train, and he had to fight the urge to gasp as he was submerged in the cold water.

His Victorian clothing, was quickly saturated with water, and in an effort to lighten his load, he reached up to unbutton his coat, discarding it underwater as he clawed towards the surface breaking the surface tension of the water with a gasp and a curse.

"For fucks sake!." He managed to gasp out before the room was suddenly flooded with light.

Treading water, he had to raise one hand to block his eyes squinting against the glare.


Eyes finally adjusting he looked past his hand and the light to see their patron standing not too far away on a lip of black marble staring down at him.

Adam looked around.

The entire room seemed to be comprised primarily of black marble including the pool in which he tread water. With the coloration of the stone it was almost impossible to determine how much water was below him. He looked around hoping for some sort of stairwell upwards, but found nothing. The sides of the pool were completely sheer, and wet marble wasn't something he was going to waste his time trying to scale.

He lifted his head.

The patron was still clapping.

"Really marvelous. I had heard humans could swim, but I don't know if I believed it or not." Adam kicked his legs furiously and stroked to the side of the pool, "What the hell are you doing!" He demanded resting the palms of his hands against the cool stonework.

The patron looked down at him.

"Merely ensuring the survival of the universe."

"Survival of the universe!" Adam snarled, "How does drowning me have anything to do with the survival of the universe."

The patron shook his head as if in disappointment of a naughty child, "Drown you? Drown you!" I am insulted Adam Vir. I would never dream of drowning you, or hurting a hair upon your head."

Adam huffed, "Well forgive me for not being convinced. Generally when someone kidnaps you hey mean harm.

"Kidnapping!" The indignation was back but greater than ever, "I did not kidnap you. When the party is finished and your friends leave, I fully intend to let you go with them, to go back to protecting the universe and what not. Since I plan on returning you it can hardly be considered kidnapping."

"If you look in the dictionary under kidnapper, you are going to see a picture of your own face." Adam spat shaking matted hair off his forehead.

The Rundi lifted it's chin angrily, "Fine, be that way, but that was hardly my intention. I simply want to test your human abilities for my own eyes. Yes yes, I have heard plenty of rumors, but are they true? How can I know for sure that you are the best investment this universe has for survival if I don't test."

"If this is about humans than any human would do wouldn't it? Besides, I am only scheduled for getting kidnapped every OTHER week."

He kept his head high in defiance as the Rundi looked down at him clearly amused, "You are a feisty one. I will give you that. Despite your sarcasm I wouldn't be surprised if that statement were true. You do tend to end up in poor circumstances a lot."

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