The Fates

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Two and a half months earlier

"So does this mean that you two are like.... Together?" Adam said leaning over the small glass case, closely and excitedly examining its contents.

Krill's antenna twitched , "Vrul don't do together."

"Vrul also don't threaten to eat people's toes or go galivanting across the galaxy with alien military vessels, or get themselves involved in dangerous situations or....."

Krill held up a hand, "You have made your point, but no, unfortunately or perhaps fortunately, I still am incapable of feeling those particular human feelings."

Adam raised a hand as if to tap the glass but pulled back, "So like, if this goes off one degree..... they're dead?"

"No, just profoundly mentally disabled."

Adam dropped his hand slowly, content with staring through the glass at the small next of three Vrul eggs which sat there nestled in a bed of towels.

They were probably one of the most fascinating things the Admiral had ever seen. They were about half the size of his fist, and were a sort of light amber in color. They weren't completely opaque either, and through the glass, he thought he could detect hints of movement just beyond the delicate amber skin.

"So, you're trying to create more alphas?"

"Essentially, yes." Dr, krill turned to look at Riss, who was busy examining the temperature readouts on the nearby monitor. All around them, the room was bathed in a deep purple glow giving an eerie cast to skin and bodies normally seen under yellow or white light.

Riss looked up from his work, "Yes, the process if very technical and time intensive."

The human waited.

The Vrul looked at him.

"So, where is the big nerdy explanation of how everything works."

Krill's antenna quivered again, "I thought you didn't like all that bleep bloop science stuff."

The human looked almost insulted, "Do you even know me. Just because I don't always understand the 'science stuff' doesn't mean I don't like it. If I hadn't become a pilot to go to space, I probably would have gone into a science field."

The two Vrul looked between each other.

"Oh come on, I know you want to. Besides, I DO have a degree in orbital mechanics. I'm sure that I can at least follow along with a development schedule."

It actually didn't take much prodding to urge the Vrul to speak. Riss was openly excited, and while Krill tried not to show it, he was feeling the same way.


The other Vrul seemed pleased that Krill was bowing to his expertise on the matter, Krill was a doctor and did understand much about the physical development of young vrul, but it was not his specialty. Neither was it Riss's specialty, but he had taken more time intensive courses on Vrul development.

"Yes, essentially what is important to know is that Vrul Eggs are very difficult to bring to full term. We believe that this was a part of our evolution, and was made up for by our ability to produce large quantities of eggs. There is evidence in our past that our ancestors would lay eggs in large holes in the ground and seal them up. Most of the eggs would die off and be unusable, but the temperatures below the ground amidst decaying matter and other eggs was sufficient enough to allow a surprisingly high portion of the eggs to reach maturity. Now, over time we moved on to practices that were more.... Scientific."

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