Chapter Six:Open House and Standing up to a Mother-in-Law

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Ramon's Pov
I'm laying in bed with the girls relaxing in bed relaxing.Tho me,Rias,and Sona are somewhat annoyed and scared of this day since my parents,Ruval,and Rizer along with Sirzechs,Lord Gremory,and Serafall are all coming for Open house today.Not to mention Le Fay's brother Arthur,Wendy's siblings Natsu,Gajeel,Sting,and Rogue,and even Azazel are all coming.Honestly this is gonna be hell for us.The girls all start waking up and I notice Xenovia especially is scared and I raise a eyebrow.
Me:You okay Xenovia?
Xenovia:(Scared)Y-Yes it's just.....well *Gulp*my mother will be coming today.
Me:(Surprised)Wait I thought you said you were a orphan?
Xenovia:My adoptive mother her name is Griselda Quarta.
[I turn slightly pale and everyone notices,then they notice my hands are slightly shaking from fear and look shocked]
Rias:(Worried)Ramon what's wrong?
Sona:(Worried)Are you okay?
Akeno:(Confused)Who's Griselda Quarta?
Me:*Gulp*Ehem she's Gabriel's Queen(Their surprised)and well let's just say she and I DO NOT get along(Their surprised)in fact she kind of fucking hates my guts with a burning seething passion.
[Their shocked and look confused]
Ravel:How come Ramon?
Me:Well it's a long story but the short version is she hates me because she's never been able to beat me.She's challenged me to a fight dozens of times and I've always ended up winning.Add on to that the fact Gabriel well y'know(They nod)and so pretty much whenever she sees me or even hears my name she even looks like she's gonna murder someone or challenges me to another fight*Sigh*and I guarantee when she finds out about us having sex she'll be over the fucking mountain with rage Xenovia.
[Their all surprised and then agree to try to not mention me or the fact me and Xenovia are together until we're somewhere we're people won't see anything.Afterwards they nod and we head off to school]

We're pulling up to school and I can already sense Griselda's blood-lust."Shit she must've heard I was here to............*Mental Sigh*Fuck me"we get out and head inside.I drop the girls all off at their respected class before me,Rias,Sona,Akeno,Jibril,Erza,Sahar,Asa,Kuroka,Vali,Tiamat,Eto, Machi,and Sadako all head to are class.I narrowly managed to avoid Griselda and I'm hiding my aura so she can't sense me.We walk into class and I see Mom,Rizer,and Azazel.Ruval and Dad are with Ravel and also plan on embarrassing Koneko,Le Fay,Wendy,Shinobu,and Kurumi.I notice Rizer glancing at a woman I don't recognize who's also glancing at him.I lean over to a girl named Su.
Me:(Whispering)Hey Su.

Su:(Whispering)Yeah what's up Ramon?Me:(Whispering)Do you know who that woman is over there?[I point at her and she's surprised]

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Su:(Whispering)Yeah what's up Ramon?
Me:(Whispering)Do you know who that woman is over there?
[I point at her and she's surprised]

Su:(Whispering)Yeah that's my older sister named Sorano how come?Me:(Whispering)Well she and my brother seem to have caught each other's attention

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Su:(Whispering)Yeah that's my older sister named Sorano how come?
Me:(Whispering)Well she and my brother seem to have caught each other's attention.
[She notices and smirks slightly,we both smirk at each other before snickering.We turn back and everyone introduces themselves.Rizer and Sorano both are blushing seeing each other and I'm just trying not to laugh.I look at her and only one thing crosses my mind *Teasing Material Acquired*We all simply do are work and then once class is over I go over to Rizer and grab his arm and Su grabs Sorano's arm.We simply lead them outside the room and into one of the empty classrooms.We leave them inside and then turn to leave before turning back to them]
Me:We'll give you some time to get to know each other.
Su:Congrats sis and please take care of her Rizer.
[They both blush and Rizer slightly smiles nodding to me,I nod back and we head out.As we're walking around I see Sona running out of the Gym with Serafall following close behind.Then the other girls,Kiba,Issei,Ruval,Mom,and Dad all come out.Just as they come out I freeze seeing her she turns and sees me to.Everyone notices and Xenovia tries to stop her but she starts speed walking towards me with a look of pure anger on her face
Griselda:(Pissed)Ramon Phenex!
[I turn and start running away]
Me:Ow fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

[I run away and she chases me all around the school for over two hours until I finally manage to escape her.I head back to my house and call Gabriel for help.She arrives and hugs me apologizing for Griselda's crap.Then the door opens and everyone including Griselda comes inside]
Me:(Scared)Ow crap!
[I hide behind Gabriel and Griselda looks at me with a death glare]
Griselda:(Surprised)Y-Yes Lady Gabriel?
Gabriel:You need to stop this One-Sided Rivalry with Ramon.He's done absolutely nothing wrong and every single time you see him you act like he's some Grand enemy that has to be elminated at all costs.So I'm ordering you to stop at once!
Griselda:But Lady Gabriel please allow me to explain myself.
Gabriel:Very well explain?
Griselda:I swore on the day you made me your Queen that I would never allow a enemy of Heaven defeat me and the fact that a Devil did so just infuriates me beyond imagination. Not to mention what I've only recently learn the disgusting horrible sin he's done to my daughter?Manipulating her into giving him her body.
[She glares at me and that last part pissed me off,I walk over to her and look her in the eyes]
Me:(Pissed)Griselda(She steps back a bit scared by my tone)*Sigh*yes Xenovia and I slept together and yes she's become one of my girlfriends.But don't you DARE say I would force myself onto someone!Xenovia and I both consented to it and are now in a happy relationship, and before you even say it she agreed to share me with the other girls.Now I can understand if you can't handle the fact I kicked your ass all those times then fine come at me all you want but don't you ever and I me EVER accuse me of such a crime just to try and justified your desire to fix your broken pride damn it!
[She and everyone around us are surprised and shocked at my anger.Griselda looks down and looks sad]
Griselda:I'm.....I'm sorry Ramon.......I went to far I'll leave now.
[I grab her wrist as she goes to leave and she looks at me]
Me:No this is a family gathering and tho we may not get along you are Xenovia's mother.So *Sigh*as long as you can be respectful and as normal as one can get in a room filled with Devils,Angels,and Fallen Angels you can stay.I'm sure Xenovia would appreciate it if you did after all no matter what sides you're on you're still her mother and I know she loves you just as much as you love her.
[Everyone's surprised and she tears up.I wipe the tears away and she hugs me]
Griselda:(Slightly Crying)Thank you Ramon.....I'm sorry I've treated you so're truly a good hearted Devil.
Me:There's nothing to apologize for I've already forgiven all that Griselda.
Griselda:But Ramon(I look at her)please promise me one thing.
Me:What's that?
Griselda:Take care of her,please take care of Xenovia(Xenovia looks surprised)I wasn't the best mother I could be I'm also partially responsible for her lack of emotional stability and being able to show her true feelings.But after what you said I hope I can entrust her to you to make her happy.So will you do this for me Ramon Phenex?
Me:(Smiles)Of course Griselda it would be a honor and privilege.
[We all nod and Xenovia has a heart to heart with her mom.Meanwhile the rest of us simply talk and enjoy ourselves.Sirzechs asks me to help Rias with her second Bishop,I of course agree.Then we all just have fun and are parents embarassed to hell and back]

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