Chapter Twenty-Three:A Meeting and A Legendary Gift

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Ramon's Pov
It's been about a week sense my body's been healed,the girls are getting close to giving birth.Tsunade and her assistant Shizune decided to stick around sense the Khaos Brigade were gonna target them anyways.Tsunade also mentioned wanting to pulverize the sons of bitches who took her little brother and the man she loved from her.Which....yeah I can understand and with her medical skill and just outright bullshit physical strength she's been a massive help. Right now tho I'm heading to one of Sensei's Shrines,apparently some people want to meet me.I don't know who they are but from the way Sensei sounded their pretty fucking important.I walk up and see Susanoo standing outside the Shrine.He sees me and we smile,before walking up to each other.
Susanoo:Hey Ramon glad you made it.
Me:Of course,you and I both know how Sensei can be when she's ignored.
[We both shiver thinking about it]
Susanoo:W-Well come on the people are inside.
Me:Speaking of who are they,Sensei didn't say?
Susanoo:....Yeah that's cause they asked her not to.
Me:*Surprised*For Sensei to actually listen to them they gotta either be seriously powerful or someone she respects....which is like only a hand full of people.
[Now I'm seriously curious about who it is,we walk into a room and I see Sensei sitting with two men that I instantly recognize]

[Now I'm seriously curious about who it is,we walk into a room and I see Sensei sitting with two men that I instantly recognize]

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Me:"Ow whelp I'm fucked"Shiva:Have no fear child neither myself or Yama have come for violence(I'm surprised)we came to assist you in your goal of peace

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Me:"Ow whelp I'm fucked"
Shiva:Have no fear child neither myself or Yama have come for violence(I'm surprised)we came to assist you in your goal of peace.'m sorry this....this caught off guard.(They smile)I was honestly expecting like...I don't know Lord Izanagi or hell uh(I glance at Sensei)um *Ehem*he who shall not be named.
[They chuckle and I sit down]
Yama:Before anything I would like to say(I look at him)thank you for stopping Malthur.(I'm surprised)Tho he was my son,I could not control the darkness of his heart from consuming his soul and causing him to lose control.So thank you for stopping him and putting soul at rest.
[I'm surprised]
Me:...*Sad*You're welcome King Yama and I tho I regret having to end his life.....I hope he found peace in death.
[King Yama,Lord Shiva,Sensei,and Susanoo all smile]
Shiva:*Smiling*Well I must say you choose a excellent pupil Amaterasu.
Sensei:*Smiling*I certainly did.
Shiva:*Smiling*Well in any case young man(I look at him)I've already sent a letter to Sirzechs informing him I wish to join your alliance against the Khaos Brigade.(I'm surprised)Despite being a being who is destined to destroy I do so as I please,not on the whims of those who command me.The Khaos Brigade desire to bring the world out of balance and destroy the peace which so many gave their lives for.So I will certainly help you stop them.
[I'm stunned hearing this from the second ranked most powerful being in the world]
Me:*Stunned*I.....Thank you so much Lord Shiva,you're assistance in dealing with them would be invaluable for us.
[He smiles]
Yama:In any case(We look at him and he puts a box on the table)as a way to say my thanks to you Ramon Phenex,I want you to have this.
[I'm surprised and he lifts the lid showing]

[I'm surprised and he lifts the lid showing]

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{A/N:Only one sword}

[My eyes widen knowing exactly what this sword is]
Me:*Shocked/Wide Eyed*This.....This is.....The original Totsuka Blade....the one that Izanagi used.
Yama:Yes,it's imbued with powerful sealing energy.
Shiva:Ramon(I look at him)we've all decided that you are worthy to wield this sword.
Susanoo:We've also learned something about that mysterious Leader of the Khaos Brigade,Pandora.
[I'm surprised and turn serious]
Yama:After Malthur's death his soul returned to the underworld and I was able to speak with him.He told me everything he knew about them,but was unaware of where any of the other leaders where tho did give me the locations of every hide out they knew of.
[I'm stunned]
Sensei:We've already informed everyone else about that,but Malthur told Yama that Pandora possessed the ability to self-resurrect herself.(I'm shocked)So Ramon(She picks up the sword and stands up,I stand up looking at her.She puts the sword in my hands)Use this sword to seal her away that way we won't have to deal with her,ever again.
[I'm stunned and grip the sword]
Me:....*Smile/Determined*Of course Sensei,I'll deal with her the moment I see her.
[They smile]
Susanoo:*Smirk*Kinda glad I gave you those swordsmanship lessons now huh.
Me:*Smile*Yeah,but if you could help me train with the sword some more I'd appreciate it Susanoo.
Susanoo:Definitely Ramon.
[We all smile and then everyone shows up to discuss are next move against the Khaos Brigade]

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