Chapter Twenty-Two:The Phenex's History and Rebirth

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Ramon's Pov
I'm sitting in a room with my family,the girls,and my friends.Tsunade and Polyuscia are preparing in another room.Today's the day that I'm gonna be healed and right now I'm just looking down at my scarred arms.
Rias:Ramon(I look at her)are you ready?
Me:*Smile*Yeah......*Sigh*Yeah I am.....Hey I just realized something(Everyone looks at me)This'll be the first most of you've seen without my scars huh.
[Their surprised]
Vali:Yeah....tho I wonder what color your hair will become?
[Everyone's surprised and most of them are confused]
Mom:What do you mean Vali?
Me:Ooow shit that right(Everyone looks at me)damn I forgot about that......shit.
Riser:Forgot about what Ramon?
Me:Well while I was still being held by the Old Satan Faction,I ended being cover in blood so much that it dyed my hair red.(Their all shocked)Then later when I was burned it turned black.......Shit,I wonder if my hair hair will change back to Red or it's original Blonde?
Kurumi:I think you'd look good with red hair.
Erza:Blue and Red do go together quite well.
[Everyone nods]
Sona:True but it would be nice seeing your old Golden locks again.
Me:............I swear ta god if you start with that nickname again Sona.
Eto:*Curious*What nickname?
[I look at him annoyed and he snickers]
Victoria:*Confused*What's wrong with the nickname?
Azazel:*Confused*Yeah Kid I don't get it?
Me:......*Annoyed Sigh*It's not the nickname itself it's why they gave me the damn nickname.
[Their all curious]
Riser:When we were in class most of the Old Kids gave him the nickname because he beat up some boys that were harassing them.They gave him the nicknames because he left the boys with burns and as they put it them incredible 'hot' to.
[He does bunny ears around the word hot and everyone understands what he really means]
Me:*Uncomfortable*After that whenever they saw me they would always pull me close and into they chests before thanking me for protecting them.(Their all surprised)And while it maybe surprising I was actually quite shy as a child.(Most of them are shocked)Yeah I was,at least towards that type of attention.Toward fighting atleast I was perfectly fine...........*Annoyed*Ddraig stop looking thru my memories!
[Everyone surprised and then he appears]
Ddraig:Sorry partner I couldn't resist,but you weren't kidding about your shyness....
Me:*Pissed Off*Keep going and I swear ta Satan you'll regret.(He gulps and stops)*Annoyed Sigh*......
[Suddenly the door opens and the Tsunade and Polyuscia come in]
Tsunade:You ready Ramon?
Me:Yeah I am.(I stand up)I'll be in a little bit okay everyone
[They all nod and I head thru the doors as they close behind me]

Timeskip Three Hours Later
No One's Pov
It's been three hours sense Ramon Phenex has enter the operating room,all the while his family,lovers,and friends sit waiting for any news on him.As they all wait Ramon's brother Ruval decides to try and relax everyone's nerves.
Ruval:You know(Everyone looks at him)thinking back Ramon always was getting into trouble.(Their surprised while those that didn't know him back then are surprised)Whether it was him arguing with his teachers to that one time he punched your in the mouth for badmouthing you Sairaorg.
[Everyone surprised but they all laugh]
Sairaorg:*Smiling/Chuckling*He knocked three of his teeth out and knocked him out cold with one punch.
Venelana:It was certainly shocking....*Giggles*Tho I can't say it wasn't amusing.
Riser:Or how about that time Ramon put Joshua Beleth in a armlock when he tried to fight him?
[Most of them start laughing]
Ryan:Ow lord the amount of times he got into fights with people.....
[Everyone laughs]
Sadako:*Smiling*I'm not surprised by that he was the one who helped save me from myself.
[Everyone's surprised]
Wendy:*Sweat Drops*Not to mention how he and I meant.
[Everyone looks curious while most of Ramon's peerage sweatdrop]
Erza:True......Still can't believe Ramon wiped out that entire army all alone.
[Their surprised
Sirzechs:What are you two talking about?
Erza:Ow well when we first meant Ramon are family were at war with another group,we were being gravely overpowered but then out of nowhere Ramon appears.Saves us both and just blasts the entire enemy army away ending the war for us.(Their all shocked).....And then he ended up getting into a fist fight with Natsu and the others.
[Their surprised and the two of them sweat drop]
Jibril:Honestly when I first meant him I was serving another man who was such a Lolicon that it was ridiculous.(Their surprised)And then Ramon showed up,slapped the shit out of him and he ranaway crying for his mother.
[They all are surprised and snicker]
Vali:Didn't he show up like a year later,just to get bitch slapped into a wall again?
Jibril:Yeah......then he tried using his younger sister as a shield and didn't end well for him.....
Serafall:What happened?
Tiamat:Ramon used his speed get the girl away from him,then he slammed his fist into his stomach so hard his entire back was blown out.
[Their shocked]
Eto:Then Ramon offered to help the girl find a new home,but her mother and father arrived.And after Ramon explained what happened they thanked him for saving their daughter.
Sahar:Apparently their son had lost his mind and began raping young girls.
[Their shocked and disgusted]
Asa:When Ramon heard that he asked Lord Anubis to make the insect suffer for eternity
[Their all stunned and then continue remembering stories of the times they spent with Ramon] 

Timeskip Two Hours Later
In the operating room Polyuscia and Tsunade stand over Ramon Phenex who had just spent the last five hours being healed and operated on.Now that they've finished the pair watch as his body regenerates and recovers rapidly.
Tsunade:The Immortality of The Phenex Clan is definitely impressive.
Polyuscia:Indeed and to think Ramon was only capable of accessing a Fraction of his full power with the damage done to his internal organs.
Tsunade:It makes me wonder how powerful he'll be now that he's fully healed?
[The pair look at each other before they hear a groan,they look at Ramon who eyes flicker open]
Ramon:*Looks at arms*It's done......I'm really healed?
[The two healers nods before being hugged by Ramon who for the first time in over eleven years is crying normal tears of joy]
Polyuscia:*Smiles*Well Ramon shall we go see your family,friends,and lovers?
[Ramon looks at her and nods,the group walks out of the room as Ramon stumbles still recovering.They reach the room and the two Healers go thru first,they see everyone who stand up]
Tsunade:Well everyone welcome back the Heir to the House of Phenex.....
Polyuscia:Ramon Phenex.
[The door opens and Ramon walks into the room]

[Everyone smiles and rush over to hug him which he happily accepts]

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[Everyone smiles and rush over to hug him which he happily accepts]

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