Chapter 16

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And we back dudes, bros, and non-binary hoes, im not dead so that's good. anyways, so this is based off a chapter my friend basically wrote but I added a few ideas so thanks to her cause she is amazing. Love you, anyway lets gooo

That text I had gotten from Mina, she just wanted to rant about something somone had said about the stereotypes of second genders to her. We ended up talking way into the night, and she insisted on coming to over to meet Midnight and Thirteen after she told me she wanted to go out and have me meet a few of her other friends. Thirteen then proceeded to come in an tell me that I should probably sleep on the couch because of paint fumes or something.

-------------------------------------Time skip brought to you by my lazy ass--------------------------------------

Around a week later Mina was texting me the day before that carnival Midnight had talked abtou was ging to open and she wasasking me to go to the carnival with her and a friend from school... Kirishima I think I hdn't met him last time though. As much as I was nervous about meeting someone who was ultimatley friends with Mina, the third most sunshiney person I know next to Izu-kun and Midnight I was rather relevied I didn't need to physically ask Bakugou to go with me or anything.

----------------------------------Next morning ish I think I'm just tired and lazy---------------------------------

The sun glared through the open blinds on Chiyokos's uncomfortable position on the couch. Her left leg was dangling off the side of Thirteen's couch and the blanket Midnight had sprawled onto her after she fell asleep was no barely touching her after she kicked it off late in the night. She groaned heavily, shifting in several positions in an effort to block out the light, pulling up the blanket to cover her face. She failed when the warm sheet was ripped out of her hands by her new mother. ''Noo why'' Chiyoko whined, sitting up but her eyes still glued closed. ''It's still so early'' she slowly opened her eyes, unable to brace herself to the blinding light, cursing them for getting a house with so many windows.

''Sweeties it's nearly 11'' she heard Thirteen sing in a sickenly sweet voice from the kitchen. She looked up to notice her leaning over the stove wearing a deep red apron over her work clothing. Midnight was across from her sitting on top of the kitchen island, smiling mischievously while sneaking bites of pancake once Thirteen put them on what is supposed to be Chiyoko's plate. Chiyoko slowly slid out of her make-shift bed, rubbing her eyes. She was forced to sleep on the couch during the night since they had painted her bedroom the night before and Thirteen was worried about her inhaling the paint fumes. She walked into her bathroom, her bathroom, a personal bathroom for one person, it had been nearly a week since she moved into the girls' home and she was still getting used to all of it. She shifted through all the new clothes that she had got with Midnight's money, something she still felt guilty about.
''I promise don't worry about it'
''Are you sure because I don't even-''
''I am positive, now go pick out some clothing before I have to use my pro hero moves on you''
Midnight had told her before shoving her into the closest clothing store. Even though both of the girls had insisted on it she still felt sickening guilt when she checked out, or whenever they did anything out of the way for her. Her parents never did anything like that for her, they told her that they were going out of their way by just letting her live in their house, and even when they did something even slightly nice they would always make her feel awful even when they didn't say anything to her, they would just glare at her until she felt like she was the most useless scum on earth.

But this wasn't a time to think about them. She finally picked out a black off-the-shoulder dress decorated with small stars, threw it on, tied her hair up into a simple low ponytail and threw on a pair of black boots before turning back towards the mirror. She frowned slightly, she had been gaining weight since leaving her parents' old house. Thirteen and Midnight had been insisting on her eating 3 meals a day and she always felt too awkward to say no but all of it is showing up on the surface. The area around her ribs had become soft and the midline on the dress put stress on her nonexistent waistline with her stomach now somewhat sticking out and small hip-dips were somewhat visible through the dress's fabric. Her glasses made her face look larger than she last remembered, and was that a pimple?

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