Chapter 8: My dumb luck

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Welcome back to another episode of my terrible writing, last week we saw a previous episode of this terrible book but we don't know what will happen this time. Anyway let's go I guess

So remember when someone yeeted themselves through the door?, that was Thirteen.

*nervous laughter*

Don't ask me why cause I am just as clueless as you, anyway. She stopped at the foot of the bed and caught her breath. She held a small bag in her hands,

"Ummmm Thirteen- sensei?" I asked.

She snapped her head up so fast I was almost scared for a second,

"Huh?! Oh, yeah um. I guess this is for you," She said holding the bag out to me, "If you're wondering what it's for it's because I got the news today that you've been officially moved into my custody."

"Really?! That's great!" I smiled.

She could eventually get tired of you and your mistakes and leave you for dead.

I carefully took a pair of black boxes out of the bag, the first one which was slightly larger held a dainty silver chain with a pearl and diamond pendant.

I carefully took a pair of black boxes out of the bag, the first one which was slightly larger held a dainty silver chain with a pearl and diamond pendant

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I let out a small gasp,

"It's beautiful,"

She smiled,

"I also noticed you wear the same earrings, so I thought it would be nice for a change." She explained gesturing to the second box.

I brought a hand up to the three silver hoops I had worn since Mika convinced me to get them with her, she only got two though.

You realize she never really liked you anyway.

I opened the second box my hand shaking slightly, it held two sets of three earings the first one was a small hoop like one with a teal stone, the two thinner hoops with little stars on the ends.

"They're really pretty, thank you,"  I said.

"You looked really surprised, has no one ever given you jewelry before?" She asked.

I shook my head,

"No, my parents wouldn't and most of my friends haven't stuck around long enough," I explained sadly.

"Really? I was sure that blonde kid would have, aren't you guys dating or something?" She asked innocently cocking her head to the side.

I felt the blood flushing up my cheeks and neck as I waved my hands around franticly.

"WHAT?! Bakugou? Um, no of course not. I mean we have known each other since preschool whether he noticed me then or not. Still, he honestly cares even if he doesn't show it often." I explained.

"Oh, sorry for assuming." She apologized.

There was an awkward silence for a few seconds before she started up again,

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