About Chiyoko

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Name: Chiyoko Takahashi
Age: 15 ish
Quirk: Universe: create pockets in the air to hide/ live in, open black holes, send anyone out into space, teleportation, bend reality, and chaos magic.
Hero Name: Galaxia
Looks: Galaxy colored shoulder-length hair, light cocoa skin, freckles, star-shaped markings, green/blue eyes.
Height: 5'2
Build: pretty fit and muscled
Personality: bubbly, competitive, unstable af, the embodiment of hyper, kind, sweet, caring, stubborn, insecure doesn't take Bakugo's bs.
Luvs: katsu don, soba (hot), boba, udon with pork, reading, writing, nesting, watching movies.
Hates: bullies, perverts, overall just terrible people but she can find the good in them anyway and tries to bring it out, LOUD NOISES!!!! She absolutely hates them and can't stand them.
In heat: Submissive, shy, 10x as stubborn as usual.
- Aimi Takahashi: mother (no longer has custody over Chiyoko)
- Kaede Takahashi: father (no longer has custody over Chiyoko)
- Fumiko Takahashi: sister (when Chiyoko developed hear quirk she accidentally sent Fumiko into a black hole)
- Anakuro Hirooki (Thirteen): Adopted mother

- Nemuri Kayama (Midnight): Adopted mother

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