Chapter one;

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This has been so far rewritten and i hope this is somewhat better than the original. Those who have read the original  can comment if it's better and for suggestions and stuff.


Mama and Papa worked from home and Fumiko took care of me while they worked. Fumiko's quirk was a simple one of telekinesis; it wasn't flashy but it did have its uses for her. I hadn't developed my quirk yet but Mama and Papa said I'd get mine soon. Fumiko was coloring with me in a book my auntie had gotten me last year for my birthday.
"Watcha coloring there? " Fumiko cooed.
She treats me like a child sometimes but I think it's because she loves me.
"Oh, it's a whole page of lilies and peonies in a big bouquet!" I responded excitedly, showing her the page.
She looked at it and smiled looking back at me,
"That's really gre-." She stopped her eyes going wide as saucers.
"Fumi..what's wrong?" I asked, tilting my head.
"Chiyo, are you feeling okay? Your eyes are changing shades..." she asked slowly.
I nodded,
"I feel fine."
"I think you're getting your quirk! Mom! Dad, Chiyo's getting her quirk." Fumiko yelled up the stairs.
The sound of my parents clattering around trying to come downstairs was echoing in my ears. Fumiko was shaking me and her mouth was moving but I couldn't hear her. I shook my head trying to focus on what Fumiko was saying but I couldn't, everything was getting so loud and I couldn't take it anymore; my hands shooting out to try and cover Fumiko's own mouth to stop her from speaking. My hands made contact with her face, covering her mouth, her eyes widened almost comically and the sounds stopped before she disappeared in a cloud of glittery substance. Mom and dad's mouths were open in complete shock and staring at the place Fumiko had been, only a few feet from them and inches from me.
"Fumi?" I asked, the words like cotton in my mouth.
The tears begin to well up and fall from my eyes; frantically searching for my big sister I finally saw my parents, making eye contact with them.
"Mama? Papa? Where's Fumi?"
Mama's hand was covering her mouth, her shoulder shaking; eyes wide and full of tears. Papa's eyes were wide and wild as he stared in horror.
"Chiyoko.." He breathed, "What have you done?"
Mama let out a choked scream; an anguished noise that pierced the previous silence of our home. I think I had lurched forwards in that moment, my first instinct being to comfort the woman who was my mother; but the sharp whistle and harsh impact of her hand smacking me away halted me.
Papa's eyes snapped to me as he attempted to comfort the woman beside him, a cold filter resting over the warm brown of his eyes.
"I think it's best if you go to your room."
"But...Papa.." I cried. "I'm just trying to help."
"You have done quite enough Chiyoko. Now go to your room." His harsh voice was so different from the warm laughing tone he had used just a day ago making us tres leches.
My legs were moving so fast they almost slipped out from under me as I made a mad dash for the room I shared... had shared with Fumi. The door seemed to slam shut with the sheer force of the air following me, I don't think the reality hit me about the actual event till two hours later realizing that it bad been me who made my sister disappear like that; that it was my quirk that made my parents act like that; that made my mother let such an anguished noise from her throat, that made my father act so cold, that broke my mother into hysterical sobs; it was my quirk.

It was ALL my fault.


Chapter 1:

The plate I was drying slipped out of my hands and came crashing to the floor and shattered into a million tiny pieces.
"What was that?" Dad yelled, barely holding onto the almost empty beer bottle he had in his hand.
"Nothing, sorry!" I called back, "everything is fine."
Activating my quirk and picking the broken prices up and fitting them back together I went back to drying the dishes. Mom was out somewhere; she didn't tell us but when she comes back she is always dirty and holding a paper bag in her left hand. I had finished doing the dishes by the time she staggered through the door, that fateful brown bag clutched in her hand. We made eye contact in a tense silence at the door shut behind her.
"Aimi? Is that you?" Dad barked from the other room.
Mom's eyes shifted in annoyance from me to the direction of the living room, where Dad was more often than not holed up in.
"Yes." She drawled, "Who the fuck else would it be?"
I heard Dad's scoffed from the kitchen before he even responded,
"I don't fucking know Aimi?! I was just asking?"
That was usually how their arguments started, mom comes home; more often than not high and dad, as despondent as he is, still always checks to make sure it's her and occasionally asks how her day is. Slipping behind my mother and into their room, I grabbed her laundry basket and hauled it to the laundry room and set the washer on. Hearing the door of Mom's office slamming shut and bringing an end to the arguing; I walked out into the living room and saw that dad was laying on the floor with a beer bottle in his hand and others all around him. I gather the bottles and set him on the couch. I start for the door before the door to mom's office swings open,
"Where do you think you're going?" She asked.
"I'm just taking these to the recycling." I said slowly.
She glared at me in suspicion but nodded, turning back to her office and throwing the door shut back behind her. I walked past another family's apartment and there was screaming, there always was since we moved her after dad got laid off. The door slammed open and I walked past and I jumped dropping a couple bottles. I caught them before they fell though. Bakugou's eyes shifted from anger to recognition as he saw me; his chest heaving and his eyebrows furrowed as we made eye contact.
"What are you staring at?!" He snapped.
"Nothing!" I yelped and turned my head.
"Hey, there's a bruise on your eye. I don't remember seeing anyone at school give you that." He grumbled.
"Oh, I ran into a door." I pushed out.
"You're gonna drop those bottles you careless nerd." He grabbed some of them from my hands.
Without any other words he started trudging towards the front of the building; where the trash and recycling always sat in the days before it was collected.
"Wait! I can do that!" I yelled after him.
As I came out of the building and in front of my apartment window and mom was staring at me disapprovingly, her tea cup resting in her fingertips. I managed to lunge at him and pry a few bottles from his hands but to his surprise the rest of them fell; shattering on the ground. My eyes widened in shock as I cringed at the loud shattering noise that rang harshly in my ears, mixing hazardously with the pounding of my heart. Bakugou's red eyes snapping from his gaze at the shattered brown glass on the ground to my own; the shock evident in his eyes but hidden quickly with his usual annoyance.
"That's not from the door is it?" He asked, the question grating through my brain.
"No it is, you know what a klutz I am." I said scratching the back of my neck.
"You know it's okay to ask for help, right nerd? Just cause you annoy me.. a lot doesn't mean I can't check up on you." He ground out, the pause in his sentence confusing me.
I tilted my head at him,
"I know that; but I'm fine. I really am." I responded,silent for a moment before I continued,  "I didn't realize you cared so much Baka-Chan."
The use of my childhood nickname for him made his eyes harden with annoyance, but playfulness and nostalgia glittered in them. We stood there in a certain silence, feeling something that I don't think either of us would be able to place; comfort is the first word I can think of to describe it. But this was promptly shattered by a chorus of screams from around the courtyard and someone screaming,
There was a thump and the sound of bones cracking and snapping, decorated with the jingling of jewelry.
Bakugou was staring in horror at something behind me, turning around slowly, horror rushing through my veins when I saw the familiar purple-blue hair.
"MOM!" I screamed running up to her mangled body.
My knees hitting the pavement harshly as I collapsed next to her, my hands frantically trying to figure out where to go; I could feel the ripped and torn skin letting droplets of blood into the ground and little bits of concrete digging into those scrapes and tears. Brushing the fringe from her face I was met with the dull anger and harsh sadness in her eyes, tears beginning to run down my face. Her hand snapped up to grasp harshly at the wrist of my hand brushing the fringe from her eyes. Harsh gasps coming from her and loud sobs coming from my own chest vibrated in the air as I asked her; I asked her "why". Why would she do something like this, why she would do this to me, let alone dad.
"I finally can see Fumiko... that's why." she hissed before her hand released and she went limp, a last rough cough being shoved from her body; eyes glazing over.
"Mom! No. Mom! MOM!" I screamed.
She may have been neglecting and a drug addict, but she was my mom and I loved her. Mitsuki, Bakugou's mother tried to pull me away but I fought from her grip to scramble back to her, the mangled broken thing that was my mother; blood dripping slowly creating some sort of a bloody halo around her, glittering in the sunlight and reminding of the stardust Fumiko disappeared in. The tears streamed down my cheeks as my voice started to go hoarse from screaming and crying, ugly sobs forcing their way up my throat harshly. She managed to tear me away and shoved me into someone's arms; I gripped onto their shirt and buried my face into it, tears soaking the soft black material as a tentative hand started to rub circles into my back. Overwhelmed with the smell of spice and cinnamon I pulled away and rubbed my eyes before looking up at the person, Bakugou Katsuki. He stared at me with something I recognized harshly from some of the kids at school and from that dark and rainy funeral years ago, pity; but there was something else there, hidden by the annoyance still in his eyes.
"I bet this is really attractive huh?" I choked out, wiping wet tears from my face.
"I'm not worried about if it's attractive or not, Koko I'm worried about you." He said, his voice uncharacteristically soft.
My eyebrows furrowed. "Koko" he hadn't called me that since we were both still friends with Izuku. A wet laugh pushed from my mouth,
"You haven't called me that since it was all three of us."
His head tilted, eyebrows furrowing to match mine as he finally realized what he said.
"Ms. Takahashi, do you need any help with the funeral funding? I'm sure my family would be happy to help." Bakugou's mom: Mitsuki said running towards us around a pair of paramedics.
"Like hell ya old hag!" Bakugou screeched after her.
She hit him over the head and muttered something to him.
"No, it's fine Ms. Bakugou. I mean we should have some funds left from mom, we get her salary and her entire amount of money goes to dad so it's fine really." I said, waving her off.
"Are any of you Kaede Takahashi?" A stoney voice said from behind me.
Turning around to find a police officer standing there, notepad in his hand.
"No, but I'm his daughter." I told him, "Chiyoko Takahashi."
He stared at me for a moment, analyzing, scrutinizing me before he scribbled something down in his notebook; muttering something I could barely hear.
"Survived by husband and daughter........"
He finished his muttering and scribbling before he looks up at me again,
"It says here you have a sister, Uhhhhh....let me see here... AH! Fumiko Takahashi." He finally finished looking far too proud of himself, "I would love to speak to her."
My blood ran cold but my mind was burning, seething with anger.
"Oh! Yes of course," I said, forcing cheerfulness into my voice.
He smiled back at me, his eyes glittering with hope and promise; obviously a new hire.
"Lovely, could you tell me how to reach her if she is not at home."
"Of course." I said, "So you're gonna wanna go down North Rishika, take a left when you get to Jenthia, and make an immediate right into The South Western Family Cemetery. You should find her in the Takahashi plot."
The cheerfulness bleeding from my voice and as I finished my sentence, staring pointedly at the man in front of me; his face morphing into something of horror as he realized what I had said.
"Oh. I apologize for my insensitivity."
Sharply bowing the dark hair on his head flipping over and then righting itself.
"Don't bow to me, it's fine. I just assumed you would have known because it's been like 10 years.. but obviously not."
He blinked for a minute, mouth opening and closing like a fish gasping for air, I stared back at him; almost hyper aware of the double set of carnelian eyes burning at my back.
"Is there something you need from her? I'm sure I can suffice."
"Oh! Yes of course! I just needed to speak to you about the details of her will, but because you are under the age of 18 I can't really discuss those details with you." He said in a sort of apologetic voice, " I could come back another day to discuss the details with your father, if that would be better."
Rolling that over in my mind for a second, I determined that because of the state of my father when I left that another day would be the better option.
"Yes that would be better, should I be giving you our home phone or his number? I know that my godfather works in the police, he may have our number."
He raised an eyebrow,
"I suppose I could see if that works," Scratching the back of his neck he continued, "I'd have to check that with my supervisor."
"I understand, should I still give you the home phone and my god fathers name then?"
He nodded, handing his small notepad over to me. I raised an eyebrow at the small Pokémon drawn randomly over the page but wrote down Takeda's name and the home number before handing the pad back to him. He bowed gratefully, before flipping his notepad close.
"You know.."
"Renukan." He answered politely.
"Renukan-San, you should be fore proud of those drawings they're quite good."
He flushed brightly, beginning to stutter. I smiled softly at him, eyes flitting over to the other police standing by their cars and muttering disapprovingly towards Renukan.
"You should probably go, I think they're waiting for you."
He sputtered for a second, turning around nervously towards his colleagues. He muttered a quick thank you and a promise to call another time and ran off towards the other cars.

I'm going to end this here. Thanks for reading or rereading, I don't know if there are update notifications for rewrites or chapter edit publications.


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