Chapter 2: God I Don't Know

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Hey, there is some abuse in this chapter if that bothers you I will have warnings so you can skip those parts

Breaking my eyes from the ruby red stare of the alpha in front of me I ran to the front door slipping a couple of times, earning a few bruises. I opened the door and dad fell into my shoulder.

"Move girl." He slurred.

"Hey, Chiyoko." Mr. Takashi said.

I waved slightly and slung dad's arm over my shoulder and carried him to the couch and laid him down. I heard talking from the door and a quiet rustling before I heard Mr. Takashi,

"Well, I'll be sure to pay these off for and Takahashi's. See you guys." 

What the?! I scrambled into the kitchen to see Mitsuki and Masaru placing their wallets back in their pockets and Bakugou standing arm crossed with a hand over his nose. I slid into the kitchen and slipped, falling backward slightly I caught myself on the countertop. They turned to me,

"I'll be funding your mother's funeral as well," Mitsuki said.

I opened my mouth to protest,

"Geez, if she says she's gonna do it let her do it, you dam nerd." Bakugou snapped.

I bent at the waist,

" Dōmo arigatōgozaimashita," I said. (means thank you very much in case your wondering )

Masaru started to stutter out an 'oh it's our pleasure' speech before Bakugou grumbled something and slammed the door shut.

"It's our pleasure, now why don't you wash up and when and if your dad's sober I would suggest telling him about your mother," Mitsuki said going out the door.

"I will," I responded as the door shut.


Sighing I teetered into the living room and found my dad not where I left him, a rough hand latched onto my throat lifting me off the ground and shoving me against the wall. 

'What about your mother, you witch?!" He yelled, his hand tightening around my throat.

Frankly, he's lucky with how this used to be a band's room and the entire house was soundproof.

"Mom, committed suicide while you were out." I choked out scrabbling weakly at his hands.

His hand tightening even more,

"What did you say? Your "mom" committed suicide? I'm sure you just shoved her out the balcony window like the selfish b*tch you are." He growled throwing me down onto the floor gasping " It's bad enough you presented as a slutty omega and you come home smelling like at least 10 different alpha's a day, but pushing your "mother" out a window is f*cking unacceptable. OMEGA'S ARE HOUSE OBJECTS AND SLUTS, THEY DON'T STAND UP TO ANYONE HIGHER THAN THEM!"  He screamed and brought his boot down on my stomach right where he had the night before.

I curled in on myself trying to protect my head at least as I coughed up blood, he grabbed a spare bottle and smashed it on my right arm cutting it a million times as the smelly liquid splashed down my arms. 

"Please, dad. Please stop." I sobbed.

"You, are nothing but a slutty house object under me. The house alpha, you wouldn't dare defy me cause you know what'll happen." He cooed placing what was left of the bottle under my chin.

With a final blow to my stomach and smashing the bottle by my face, he staggered upstairs and closed the door. My chest was heaving as the blood slowly trickled down my cheek and chin, I crawled up onto my hands and knees before using the door jam to pull me off the floor. I staggered down the hall and past my room and nesting closet to the small bathroom on the first floor. I turned on the shower and stripped the bloody and beer-soaked shirt off my body and followed with my black skirt, peeling off my knee-high socks off I stepped into the cold water letting it run down my back. 

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