Chapter 9: Entrance Exam

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HEllO, we are back for another terrible episode of this. Now, there might be trigger warnings throughout this chapter so I will make sure that I warn you if you wish to skip. Okay, let's go.

I guess I had past out from the heat waves cause I woke up in my bed with a cool towel draped over my forehead and the sound of a vacuum cleaner echoing in my ears.

"so your-" I heard a voice say right next to me, Bakugou.


He flinched at my volume since he was right next to the bed.

"Oh, you can handle your own explosions but not me screaming? You amaze me." I laughed.

He flicked my forehead,

"You lay the hell back down and worry about yourself." He instructed.

"It's not like I'm dying, I'm just going right next to my room," I said trying to get up

He pushed me back down,

"If you're going to your nest I'm gonna carry you cause the old hag'll yell at me if you do it yourself."

"I. Wait hold on." I started as he yanked me up and picked me up into his arms.

He slid the door open and my ankle hit the door and I hissed as pain coursed up through my cuts, he looked down at me slightly as I did but once we got to the closest he let me down slowly as I unwrapped my arms from around his neck.

"Could you grab me Aki, my phone, and a bowl of strawberries when you get a chance maybe," I asked softly as I snuggled into the pile of blankets.

He nodded sharply and went into the kitchen, Aki came padding in a few seconds later and curled up in my lap. Bakugou came back later with my phone and a bowl of strawberries with a little bit of whipped cream on top.

"I didn't even ask for whipped cream how did you know," I asked.

"You used to hang ou with Deku at his apartment and you had a sweet tooth," He shrugged.

"Oh, uh thanks I guess," I said.

He snapped his hand out to grab one,

"HEY!" I yelped, "Give it back."

He placed it in his teeth and grinned smugly at me,

"You sure you want it now?" he asked.

"I don't give a damn, I just want my strawberries," I grumbled.

"Well freckles you aren't getting this one," he said.

" If I didn't have a cat in my lap I would slap you," I said.

"Oh really?" He challenged.

"Yup," I nodded.

"Sure you would freckles." He chuckled.

"I would, you can't underestimate me." I huffed

He nodded jokingly as I stuffed another strawberry in my mouth.

"Hey! Brat!" Mitsuki yelled from upstairs.

"WHAT YA DAMN HAG!?" Bakugou yelled up.

"COME HELP ME WITH THIS," She yelled back.

"You better go Baka-chan," I giggled.

He shot me a glare before getting up off the floor and stomping up and stairs, I plopped another strawberry in my mouth.

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