Chapter 15

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We are back ladies and gentlepeople who actually read this.

When I was back in the kitchen Midnight and Thirteen were just done cleaning up.

"So Chiyoko-Kun, would you like to see your room?" Midnight asked, "It isn't painted or furnished yet but I thought we could do that together."

"Sure," I mused.

They lead me up a small set of stairs and into a room that faced the huge backyard, most of the boxes of stuff we got yesterday was taking up space but you still could see that the room was quite big. There was a door to the closet and one to an adjoining bathroom that connected the room next door,

"Painting shouldn't take long, I got a quick dry paint they suggested for me. So we can start assembling things while it's drying." Midnight said.

I had this idea in my head to get glow-in-the-dark paint and write poems, draw stars and stuff on the walls and ceilings, so I could have Mina help with the stars another day. Anyway, we started off with taping the places we wanted to keep the same color, the doors, and the floor obviously but we put plastic down to protect the floor after moving the boxes. When Thirteen poured the paint into the pan it was a stark white with hints of grey, we started painting the different walls but Midnight had also found black paint so we painted the ceiling black.

"Nemuri!" I heard Thirteen yelp as I finished around the door.

I turned and found that Midnight had flicked her paint at Thirteen, Thirteen whipped her brush back at her and a few dots of paint smacked me in the face because of our close proximity.

"Oh shoot, Chiyoko-kun I had no idea."

I blink a few times before grinning and whipping my brush at both of them, bursting into a fit of giggles as the shocked and surprised expressions they wore.

"Oh, it's on." Midnight smirked.

We spent ages just flinging paint at each other and by the end of it all three of us were nearly covered, Midnight had managed to get an entire stroke across my face. Thirteen has stripes across her body and Midnight was practically clean.

"How did you not get covered?" Thirteen asked.

"It's my skill as a beautiful hero!" Midnight boasted.

"Keep telling yourself that honey," Thirteen said.

Oh schnapp. I watched as Midnight gaped at her.

"Kidding you're beautiful."Thirteen said, kissing her on the cheek. " Um, so Chiyoko-Kun about the splatters do you wanna cover them again or no?"

"I think I'd like to keep them Thirteen-san," I said.

"I think we should at least finish the bed and then we can have lunch?" Thirteen suggested.

Midnight and I nodded in response before we started construction on the bed, the frame was first and then the addition of the posts, drapes, and the bed itself. Stepping back to look at our work I admired the light purple of the opake curtains Midnght had picked to match the darker pink cherry blossom bedsheets as well as the additonal blankets and pillows of varrying pink and purple colors. I managed to unearth my plush box from under the other boxes and arranged a few onto the bed in a complimenting way thanks to hero turn interior designer Midnight.

"I think it's a beautiful start Chiyoko-kun we can do the other furniture after lunch, how does that sound?" Mightnight asked.

I nodded, and when we got downstairs Thirteen chose to heat up some leftover food from their date last night for the three of us. A simple lunch of meat buns and leftover broth and we were back to work the fastest of the furniture we put together after that was the bedside table which was basically a black metal frame with a thin drawer, and I think the hardest was the cabinet armwoire thing because it was so in depth with it's crystal knobs and glass doors.

"I think this is looking lovely, how about we call it done with building and you can unpack? How does that sound?" Thirteen commented.

"That sounds great, thank you so much for all this." I said softly.

"Of course," Midnight said, "Anything for our lovely daughter."

My face flushed when they finally got out of the room becuase she had called me her daughter, mother and father never called me that. Most of the books fit in the lowest level of the cabinett thing leaving place for little fiurines and random things I'll probably collect at some point, bedside table had a few books on it with a an old silver music box from Fumiko's room and a little glass lamp. The makeup table Mina had insisted I get in a rant text was near the window covering the whole top with the makeup Mina got in little organizers and a little stool, the desk was under the big window with folding glass windows that opened to see the rather bare backyard which was also covered in organizers with a white bendy lamp with a little container at the base, the desk chair was just a simple pink swivel chair. (I feel like this explaining is getting abit annoying so I'll try and make the rest of this short) Lastly the dresser was agsinst the wall by the door into the room not to be confused with the door to the bathroom whaich was next to the loset, above the dresser there was a hanging mirror and we just got. Putting away clothing took the longest so I'm not gonna say much on that, but the last thing I did was tape a few pictures of Fumiko onto the mirror.

"Not back, Chiyoko. Not bad." I complimented myself softly.

"Chiyoko, dinner's ready!" Thirteen yelled from downstairs.

She had made just a simple broth and vegetable soup and we ate in a rather uncomfortable silence.

"So, Chiyoko tommorow is Saturday. Got any plans? I hear there's a carnival to town, maybe you could take that nice blonde boy with you." Midnight suggested, obviously trying to break the tension.

I hummed quietly,

"Sure, I'll ask him."

When I got back upstairs after we spent the rest of dinner in silence i found Mina was blowing up my phone with texts

I'm gonna end this here becuase it took so long for me to update becuase of school. Sorry for taking so long but anyway, i feel like this chapter is really annoying with alll the explainations I just got really into the looks and feel of the room. on another note thanks for reading this crap and have a nice time where you happen to be.

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