Chapter 14

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We back ladies, gentleman, and gentlepeople, Lets go

I pushed the spice away from me again as I picked up the phone.

"Yes," I answered.

"Chiyo-chan!" Mina cried through the phone.

"Yes, Mina," I said.

"Wanna go to the movies with me and my friend tomorrow? They wanna meet you." She said.

"I wish I could but I'm moving in with Thirteen and Midnight-san tomorrow," I said.

"Oh, that's okay. Another time then," She said slowly.

"Definitely." I finished.

"Bye," She said.

"Bye," I said before setting my phone back down.

I stared at Bakugou who was eating his soba with the most amazing poker face ever,

"You didn't, did you?" I asked referring to the spice.

He shook his head and watched as I took a bite of the soba, he had totally added more. I slammed my chopsticks down on the table,

"Baka-chan," I said, "Do you know how much I hate people messing with my soba?"

"A lot." He said.

"Exactly," I said before lunging at him around the counter table we were sitting at.

I chased him all the way around the house before he hides somewhere,

"You can't hide forever Baka-chan," I said, knowing fully well that he could if he really wanted to.

I intended to just wait for him to come out so I finished my soba after putting his in the microwave on warm, doing my dishes before finding my way to the living room, and searching endlessly for the remote. When I finally found the remote I flopped onto the couch and started looking through the movies, I was just minding my own business when this giant spiky-haired idiot tries to jump on me.

"What the absolute fuck?!" he yells when he lands on the couch.

I've managed to curl myself away from him and roll my legs up and to in front of my head as I continued to flip through movies

"How.." He said.

"Ballet, I taught myself," I said, not looking from the screen, "Fumiko wanted me to."

I flipped through the movies still occasionally stopping and looking at Bakugou for his input,

"She's the Man?" I asked.

He shook his head,

"Ummmm," I said flipping through another two or three times. "Mr. Right?"

He shrugged, so I took it as a sure kinda answer and started the movie. For those of you who have never seen Mr.Right I highly recommend it. Every once and awhile I would feel a pair of eyes on me, just resting for a few seconds. He didn't seem surprised when the big surprise and stuff came, so I asked like the genius I am;

"Have you seen this before?" 

"Tch. What gave you that idea? Baka." he scoffed.

"No reason, I was just realizing that you weren't at all surprise by the big part so I just assumed," I commented.

"I've seen it," He said shortly. "it's good."

"You're talking more, does it hurt less?" I asked, referring to the tongue piercing.

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