Chapter 2: Worried Talking and Anxious Preparation

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Diana sits in her high-backed leather office chair, twirling her pencil in her fingers.

Lyra and Leo sit in the chairs opposite her, with one remaining chair in between them. Vela and Vega are spread out on the couch, and Saura joins them.
Leo sits rather uncomfortably in his chair, considering his 6'7" frame and strong build, the chair is a little cramped.

"Now that you all are here we can begin." Diana says in a stern voice. It's all an act. She loves each and every one of us like daughters and sons.
"As I'm sure some of you know," she shoots a glance at Cae and I, "You all will have a new mission soon. There's a group of particularly troubling White Wings that we need to recruit."
Diana looks bothered. It must be more severe than I thought.

"The last group that was sent in, 3 of them were slaughtered and the other 2 severely wounded. So, we have decided to send you guys in. You collectively have the most recruits, and successful missions than any other available team in the rebellion." Saura cant hide her shock. I can't blame her. 3 of them were killed? The last time anyone got killed on a recruitment mission was years ago, and that was in an ambush.

"So when do we start?" Lyra speaks up. More confident than all of us, as normal.

Normally before we start an assignment there is a week or two of teaching and learning everything to know about the place, people, guards, powers, and the assignment.
Not this time.

Diana grimly says "Two days from now. You have info packets in your common room."

"Wooh! We're going on a mission! We're going on a mission!" I sing as I twirl around excitedly. I laugh at my reflection in the mirror, and plop down on my diva-style violet chair.

"Wow. Why wasn't I invited to the party?" a deep voice asks from the door.

"Leoooooo, stop teasing and come help me study." I gesture for him to come in.
"That's a nice bruise you have there" He replies as he walks in. I had almost forgotten about the purpling bruise on my cheekbone Leo had given me this morning.

"Not as nice as the one on your arm." I answer with a smirk. I might have gotten a beating but I still won the fight. The bruise on Leo's arm is twice the size of mine and already becoming a yellow-y-blue colour.

I attempt to read the packet aloud "Sebastien Amell Delafontaine. Leader. Age: 25. Weight: 205 lbs. Height: blah blah blah." I sigh dramatically. "This is so boring. Leo wanna do something fun?"

Leo puts on a dramatic show of pretending to decide. "Of course. Let's go."

I laugh. "Ok here's the plan."


"SHHH." Leo and I are creeping along the tops of the library stacks.

"Target spotted. Time to jump." Leo whispers. Here comes the fun part.
We leap from the stack that we are currently on, onto the stack next to us. Using the bars on the ceiling we lower ourselves down, and walk across the stack quietly.
Now we are above Caelum, Vega, and Vela who are all quietly studying. What a bore.

We gather up the supplies we brought - A bucket of water, 4 fake spiders, 2 fake snakes, and a massive packet of glitter. Then we dump it on them.

Glitter streams down coating everything in sight. The water lands directly on Vega's head soaking her, and splashing Caelum and Vela. One of the spiders gets caught in Vela's hair, and the snakes land in Caelum's lap. The other three spiders bounce on the ground. It's a magnificent, hilarious mess.

"LEO! ANDROMEDA!" Caelum's spotted us. Time to move.

Giggling and laughing Leo and I flee the library. We sprint to the garden and hide up in a tall oak tree. By now neither of us can breathe, having sprinted from the library and laughed our heads off.

"Did you see the look on their faces?" I say wheezing. Leo doubles over and almost falls off the tree.
"How could I not? They were all like 'AH surprise attack! What's happening!' the look on Caelum's face when the snakes dropped on his lap was -" he breaks off laughing at the memory.

"We better get to the cafe or something before they find us so we don't get massacred." I chuckle and jump off my branch, bracing my ankles for the landing. Another perk of growing up in a command center of rebels and training to be a soldier - you get good at falling fast.

"RACE YOU TO THE CAFE!" I yell as I start sprinting away from Leo.
"NO FAIR ANDY '' he roars back already chasing after me. I hope he doesn't expect to catch up.

Then I run smack into the council. Oopsy-daisy.

Sorry its so much shorter!
So how much do we all love Leo? 10/10 thats what I expected.
Get some water and food y'all, take care of yourself! You deserve it!
-Alexandra Waterwings

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