Chapter 29: An Ounce Of Hope

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When Christina's letter arrives, hidden in code in an email from a supposed ball attendee, it gives me hope. Maybe Andy and Christina and the rest don't blame me for what happened to Caelum, maybe I can go back to The Icarus Guard, maybe this will all work out.

I tell Liz and Alex first, whispering secrets and plans in their ears in private moments. Pretending I'm flirting with Liz, and studying in the library with Alex. Topher is filled in shortly after, and the light that lit up  his eyes was incredible, it's like he had cancer and someone just told him they found a cure. We hem and haw over telling Nate, before deciding to trust him with the bare details.

One night, we suit up, pretending to go on patrol, but really meeting Andy's team and Diana at a meeting spot to discuss the plan. I bounce nervously on my toes, energy flowing through me. I don't know what I'll say when I see everyone, sorry, maybe?

We head out the doors, nodding to tired White Wings, and hop in the van. 30 minutes later we're cruising towards our destination: an abandoned coffee shop that's on nobody's radar.

Diana is leaning against the bar, Christina sitting on a stool next to her. The rest of the team are in various defensive positions around the shop. I scan their faces, looking for Andy, but she's not in the shop. Maybe she's doing surveillance outside?

"We weren't sure you'd show up," Christina admits, coming forward to greet us. Leo makes a beeline for Topher, grabbing him tightly and kissing him. Lyra and Saura are perched in the back, and Liz makes her way over to them slowly, like she isn't sure they want her there. They embrace her, laughing and pulling her up onto the counter. Alex sticks by my side, providing a comfort I didn't know I needed. Nate hangs back, keeping the front door secure and making sure no one followed us here.

"Nice to see you again," I nod at Diana, and she smiles an easy smile. I see why Andy likes her so much.

"So, straight to business. As you know, the White Wings are vulnerable currently, and we think you can take them down from the inside. Caelum..." Diana pauses on his name, like his death and betrayal pain her more than shes letting on, "Caelum was selling us out, and we don't know how many more spies Claude has. The only people you can trust are in this room right now. We need you to sneak into Claude's office and gather as much damning information on him as you can. Message statements, bills, old sticky notes talking about plans, death counts, witness accounts, anything and everything you think could help."

"How?" I ask, and she thinks for a minute.

"Create a distraction, get him out of his office. Search everything, but leave it exactly how you found it. Make copies, don't take originals. Log out of everything you log into, delete browser history, make sure you aren't seen on any security cameras. Take everything you find back to this spot, this time, in 3 days.'' She instructs, and I commit everything to memory.

"Got it." I reply, and she nods sternly, I pause before adding, "Why isn't Andy here?"

"Andy believes that you are responsible for Caelums death, and has taken the task of killing both you and General Claude herself," Diana answers truthfully, and I'm taken aback. So she hasn't forgiven me? She isn't behind this plan?

"Thanks for telling me," I say, and gesture for Liz and Topher to follow me out. Alex has to go over and pull Topher away from Leo, promising that they'll see each other again soon.

"Don't let us down Sebastian." Diana says, and I hear a thousand other people who need this plan to work behind her words.

"We won't." I promise solemnly. This is a promise I won't break. Then Andy marches in, freezing when she sees me, eyes going wide, before she lunges.

Is she going to kill him? Not kill him?
Lovee, -Alexandra Waterwings

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