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tchalamet, siemBakker and 78

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lize.brugger took the kids to the beach

user1: they look so sassy😎

bobo_peters: you were the mom?? li you almost entered the wrong train🤌🏼
lize.brugger: we don't speak of that.

user2: i love their friendship 🥺💕

siemBakker: thanks for bringing bandaids for when i hurt my toe on a shell :D
lize.brugger: you're welcome dipshit

user3: li is giving me very mixed mom vibes i'm conflicted

user4: do you only have two friends? 😕
lize.brugger: yes.
siemBakker: yes.
bobo_peters: yes.

user5: and timmy!!😍

tchalamet: take me to the beach sometime ?
lize.brugger: it would be my pleasure ☺️



The three friends had been at the beach together all day. They'd spent their time playing around, chasing each other in the sand, dipping their feet in the water. It was like their little goodbye ceremony, since Bo and Lize would be leaving tomorrow.

Now that it was getting dark, Bo had left his two friends to pick up some food from a restaurant about a ten-minute drive away.

Lize and Siem sat together on a blanket on the sand, watching the bright orange sun slowly sink into the water. Li was wearing his hoodie, her hands disappearing into the long sleeves. She shivered a little and pulled her knees to her chest.

The boy next to her noticed and put an arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer. Li gratefully accepted the invite and softly placed her head on his shoulder.

'I'll miss you.' Siem said, his voice just above a whisper. He turned his head to the side, looking at the top of his friend's head. 'You know that, right?' He added, squeezing her arm in sincerity.

Lize hummed a yes. 'It's going to suck not having you around all the time.'

'I guess I am a really fun person.' Siem mumbled jokingly, a sad grin on his face.

The girl in his arms snorted. 'You are!' She exclaimed with a slight laugh. Siem laughed softly with her.

He wasn't always the greatest in expressing his emotions, but he did really love Li. She was his best friend and he knew she was going to be from the first time he met her. The girl had helped him through so much, made him laugh in the weirdest moments. He really didn't want to know what things would be like without her around. But he had to.

foreign feelings - TIMOTHÉE CHALAMETWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu