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'I think I like him Bo.' Lize broke the comfortable silence her and her best friend were in. The two were laying on Bo's bed together, staring at the ceiling.

'Ya think?!' The boy exclaimed as if it was obvious, throwing his hands in the air, then dropping them back on the bed.

Li cocked her head to the side, glaring at her friend. 'It's not that obvious.' She told him, starting to feel a little unsure about that.

Bo hummed dryly. As if saying 'yeah, sure it wasn't.'

The girl next to him groaned in annoyance. 'This is just so complicated!' She exclaimed, dragging her hands across her face.

'It's really not, Li.' Bo replied simply. The boy pushed himself up slightly, leaning on his elbows. 'You like him.'

Lize waited for him to continue his advice, but nothing came. She looked at him indignantly, giving him a weird expression. 'C'mon dude! You have to give me more than that.'

Bo snorted at her comment. 'I thought you were smart.' He teased her.

That earned him a slap on his stomach from the girl beside him.

'So tell the guy!' He finally exclaimed, moving slightly to avoid anymore physical abuse from his friend.

Another groan left Li's lips. 'But he's famous!' She told him, while scrambling up from the bed. She was too tense to be laying down now.

'So? He's also just a guy.' Bo shrugged. 'Besides, I'm pretty sure he likes you too.' He then added, saying it as if it were obvious.

Lize tried to hide the blush creeping up her cheeks. 'You don't know that.' She mumbled.

'Again, very obvious.' Bo suppressed a laugh. 'You two already act like a married couple.'

'I stand by that.' A voice from the dooropening sounded. It was Suzie, holding Dirk in her arms.

Not even a second later she was hit in the face with a pillow. 'Eavesdropper!' Li yelled at her with fake anger.

'I basically live her, you should've expected this.' Suzie giggled, picking up the pillow.

Li was already crawling backwards, further onto the bed. She knew what was about to happen. In the corner of her eye she noticed Bo picking up a pillow as well.

All of a sudden they both charged at the brown-skinned girl, yelling their warcries. She felt the soft but heavy material hit her body.

'Two against one isn't fair!' She managed to bring out in-between uncontrollable laughter.

'Confess your undying love to him!' Bo yelled back as he was attacking her.

'Marry him!' Suzie added.

The three friends were rolling around the bed, fighting with pillows in hand. Their laugher could be heard through the entire apartment.

'Alright! Fine!' Li gave in. 'I surrender!' She yelled, putting her hands up. She knew her friends were right. She should just get it off her chest.



hey tim

hello pretty lady
what's up?

you in for ice cream? 🙃

foreign feelings - TIMOTHÉE CHALAMETWhere stories live. Discover now