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Timothée and Lize had spent their entire afternoon together, catching up and touring the city. The two were now standing at a subway station, waiting for the metro to come.

Li was exhausted from all the travel she'd done all day, but the utter happiness she felt at this moment pushed the exhaustion away. Timmy had shown her incredible things today.

First they got food at a Thai place and took it to central park to finish it there. She and Tim had had a fiery discussion during their lunch, since Lizzie gave the last egg roll to a squirrel. Thinking of the playful fight they'd had made her smile instantly. 'You néver give up your food. Never!' Timmy had yelled with big eyes.

When they'd finished, the American boy took her to a parking garage, leading her to the roof. A fucking cliché, she thought, but the view was breathtaking. The tall buildings, surrounded by a slight mist, the masses of people walking the streets, looking like ants. She couldn't believe she was actually there.

After a lot of talking and laughing, the couple had ended up by the subway. Timothée had a late meeting in an hour or so and he hated having to go away. Li had told him she could go home by herself, but Timmy didn't feel comfortable letting her go on her own. Not until she knew the city a little better.

The young-adults were patiently waiting for their metro to come, sharing a pair of earphones. Tim had put on his playlist, after a lot of objecting. He just couldn't refuse her in the end.

'So Kid Cudi huh?' She asked him after a moment of listening, bopping her head softly to the tune. Timmy looked up at her in surprise. She knew Kid Cudi?

The boy noticed Li's questioning look. He was nervous letting her hear his music. 'You don't like it.' He said anxiously, more a question than a statement.

Lize's brows furrowed, but the corners of her mouth pulled up in a soft smile. 'As long as you like it, I like it.' She said with a single nod, looking him in his eyes.

Tim released a breath he didn't realize he was holding. He felt a weird tingle in his stomach at her words. Why did she have to be so sweet?

The boy got pulled out of his thoughts when he felt her soft touch on his skin. A shiver went down his spine. Lizzie was looking investigative at the side of his jaw. He couldn't help but smile at her serious look.

'What are you doing?' He asked her playfully, a slight crack in his voice.

She softly pushed his head a little to the side. Tim chuckled at her action.

Her face was so close to his right now. He could smell her flowery scent and breathed it in contently. In a non-creepy way of course. The curly-haired boy had to try his hardest to keep it together.

'You have a mole shaped like Australia.' She eventually said seriously, still holding her finger on it.

Timmy snorted and then started laughing. He brought his hand to the spot Lizzie was touching. His larger hand overshadowed hers, their fingers brushing past each other.

'Nice.' Is all Timmy was able to bring out while laughing.



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foreign feelings - TIMOTHÉE CHALAMETWhere stories live. Discover now