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winonaryderactress, siemBakker and 1

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winonaryderactress, siemBakker and 1.226.781 others liked this

lize.brugger everything and everyone just loves timmy🌻 (can you blame them)

user1: yes you are right li

user2: how can you not love our greek god

tchalamet: love me? my man dirk almost scratched my eye out
lize.brugger: you are very bad at taking compliments tim :')

user3: SO CUTE

user4: li: 'tim' me: 💞💓💞💕💖💞💗💞💘💓💘💖💘💞💓💓💖

siemBakker: if timothée gets dirk can i have my goat
bobo_peters: istg if milo is still there when we get back-

user5: lmao what's the deal with the goat
user6: honestly? no one really knows 🤠

suziesSnoozie: why can't he just love me?😀
tchalamet: because i'm more fun

user11: HAHA not timothée getting defensive over dirk

user7: thank you for blessing us once again li
user8: she keeps us so well fed🥰


After meeting and naming the new kitten, Timothée never left. The two were now sitting on Lize's bed, each doing their own thing. They'd moved from the living room since Suzie refused to leave and Bo got home as well.

The sun had gone under, revealing the beauty of New York at night. Soft sounds of traffic could be heard as the Timmy and Li silently enjoyed each others company.

Timmy was sitting on the floor, leaning his body against the footboard of Lize's bed. He was reading a script of a new movie he had been cast in. Lize sat right behind him on the bed itself, humming to herself quietly while playing with Timmy's hair.

(A/N you should play the music now, right now I say, this is the tune Lizzie's humming)

'What song is that?' The curly-headed boy asked, looking up at the girl behind him.

'Sit still, you're ruining the braids.' Lize mumbled in concentration. Timmy chuckled at her expression, noticing how the tip of her tongue stuck out a little between her lips.

Timothée normally didn't like anybody touching his hair. Everybody always wanted to touch it, or change it. But when Lizzie did it, he didn't mind at all. It was calming even. And so he turned his head back around, fixing his eyes on the floor, a smile still playing on his lips.

foreign feelings - TIMOTHÉE CHALAMETWhere stories live. Discover now