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Lize softly snuck through the front door of her and Bo's apartment. She really didn't want her best friend to catch her slipping into the apartment at six in the morning. It would only stir up more questions she did not want to answer.

The dark-skinned girl was still wearing Timmy's colorful striped sweater, the sleeves clumsily falling over her hands. She loved that he had offered it to her. It smelled like him, a wonderfully familiar scent.

The apartment seemed empty, causing Lize to let her gard down. She was really longing for some hot cocoa. The content girl casually made her way over to the kitchen. Only to be greeted by two silhouettes sitting at the kitchen island.

'Jezus!' Lize brought out, bringing her hand to her heart. 'You scared the shit out of me!'

'And good morning to you too.' Bo replied calmly. He was sitting with Suzie, both of them holding a cup of coffee between their hands. Suzie only grinned at me from beside him.

'It's six in the morning! Since when do you wake up at six in the morning!?' Lize exclaimed, feeling caught.

'I could ask you the same thing, Li.' Bo answered, biting back a laugh. He and Suzie had planned on this since yesterday evening. They wanted to catch her redhanded.

Bo knew his best friend was at Timothée's and only grew more excited when she didn't come home that evening. He was going to interrogate her later about the whole thing.

Suzie had come by the apartment as well, blurting out a bunch of questions about Timothée after she'd seen Lize's post on instagram. And so Bo explained everything to her. To say Suzie's mind was blown, would be an understatement.

'Why didn't you tell me you know Timothée freaking Chalamet! You psycho!' She suddenly blurted out. 'We made pancakes together I thought we were friends!' She added.

'Well I- I didn't really think it was important.' Lize answered, a little distraught.

Suzie's eyes grew big. 'Not important, not important?!' She shook her head in disbelief. 'He's Timothée Chalamet Li! Everyone's favorite white boy!' She exclaimed, waving her hands around excessively.

Lize snorted at the girl's exaggerations. 'Alright, alright! Sorry, I didn't realize he was this important to you.' She said sarcastically, while laughing.

'Suze has a cat.' Bo suddenly butted in. Again with the random shit, Lize thought. But it didn't really matter right now.

Lize's eyes grew big. 'A cat!?' She squealed. 'Suzie, I love cats!'

Suzie looked at the two best friends confusedly. 'Weren't we just talking about Timothée-'

'Not anymore we're not! Where's the cat?' Lize asked with a bright smile.

Bo looked at the two amusingly. Cats were sacred to Li and he knew that. She'd drop everything every time she saw one. A cat on the street meant, sitting on the pavement while Li petted it for at least half an hour.

'I can't believe this.' Suzie sighed. 'When you know Timothée Chalamet but find cats more important.' She mumbled disappointedly, gettin up from her chair to get the cat from her apartment.



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