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anselgort, suziesSnoozie and 456

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anselgort, suziesSnoozie and 456.093 others liked this

lize.brugger blah blah blah living my life!

user1: oooh girl you look good!

user2: is this like a post-breakup glow-up??
user3: shut up you don't know shit
user2: well it could have been a friends break up jeez calm down

user4: are u still friends with timmy?? I miss you two together

suziesSnoozie: you look HOT!
lize.brugger: I luv u sue!!!

user5: i am so gay for you 🤠❤️

siem.bakker: ma'am your phone is upside down
suziesSnoozie: didn't you hear her drop it like a bunch of times just now??
siem.bakker: aaAh so that's what that was
siem.bakker: I thought our upstairs neighbors were ✨gettin jiggy with it✨
lize.brugger: HAHA siem no
user6: I. Love. Siem. ilovehim

bobo_peters: glad to see you got your sass back <3
user7: did- did she lose it??
user8: is this because of timothée??
user9: spill guys!! SPILL!



hey man, you at suzie's?

yes bro
What's up? Li okay?

Actually about that
I can hear her crying in her room
Just like she has been every other night

Ah fuck fuck fuck
she seemed okay the last few days

Yeah well clearly she is not
Those insta posts of her don't mean shit

I swear I will kill that guy when I get my hands on him

I know I know
But remember he did it out of love
in some twisted way :/

Frankly, I don't really care anymore

I get it
I mean I don't think I've ever seen Li this hurt

maybe she needs to be home for a bit
like home home

that's actually not a bad idea

foreign feelings - TIMOTHÉE CHALAMETWhere stories live. Discover now