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'He is a talented young actor, who stars in not one, but two critically acclaimed and dare I say Oscar bound films; Call Me by Your Name and Lady Bird. Soon to be the main-character in upcoming movie Dune! We are so thrilled! He is here with us tonight, the incredible Timothée Chalamet!' James Corden announced to his live audience.

The young actor appeared on the small stage after he was given his que, slightly jogging as he waved and smiled to the people watching him.

His black oversized blouse with red hearts on it, swayed around his lean body.

'There he is! How are you Timothée, doing okay?' James started, as Timothée took his seat next to him.

'Doing great! A little nervous, but I hope I don't explode in front of everyone.' He answered, genuinely anxious for the interview.

James laughed at his guests' spontaneous reaction. 'Nothing to be nervous about.' He smiled enthusiastically. 'We're all such huge fans of yours, you're amazing!'

Another nervous laugh left Timothée's lips as he glanced around the audience. As if expecting Lizzie's face to be there, smiling at him.

'Thanks so much. I'm happy to be here.' He managed to answer.

Doing well so far, he thought. A lot more of this to go.

Timothée had been asked to do the interview with James Corden to promote the new 'Dune' movie before it came out, hoping to draw some more attention to it.

He didn't mind that part, but interviews always meant you had to get personal. During talkshows like these, the hosts never talked about just business. Timothée was not looking forward to that bit of the interview.

And so the evening-broadcast went on for half hour, talking about the boys' past movies, and of course the ones he was working on now. They had just talked about Timothée's high-school rap career, which he didn't mind talking about that much, even though he wished people would just drop the topic.

Just when the actor was beginning to get used to his surroundings and the things being asked to him, James dropped the question he had been dreading the most.

'On another note, Timothée you have been turning heads around the world by hanging out with a certain mystery girl.' James started carefully, emphasizing the last two words of his sentence.

The audience started making sounds, as they focussed their attention fully on the two celebrities, wanting to hear every detail of this story.

Timothée suddenly felt a nauseous feeling creeping up on him. A thousand thoughts rung through his head.

Shit. How do I talk around this? I want her to keep her privacy. What if I make her look bad? I don't want to talk about this.

'Someone looks nervous!' James continued when Timothée didn't answer right away. The startled boy wanted to curse this whole show.

He cleared his throat, possible answers he could give raging through his head. 'Yes there is- was a girl I spent a lot of time with.' He then started, carefully choosing his words.

The audience reacted immediately, releasing a loud 'oooooh'.

God if he could just give them all the finger right then and there.

'Lize, right?' James answered, immediately on top of it.

He pronounced her name wrong. 'Her name is Lize.' Timothée corrected, trying his hardest to nail the Dutch pronunciation.

He remembered the time Lizzie had taught him how to pronounce it. They had laughed so hard, especially Lizzie. She tried to hold it in, not wanting to seem unsupportive in his learning process.

James only nodded, he didn't care much. 'She looked like a gem, from what I've seen!' He continued.

Timothée smiled. 'She is. Not just on the outside though, that's important to point out.'

'You seem smitten with her!' James laughed. 'Which makes me wonder,' the host started, pretending like he was in deep thought, 'why we haven't seen you two together anymore?!'

The audience laughed at James' confusion. They all wanted to know the answer desperately.

Timothée thought carefully before he asserted. 'I'm not sure.' He was very sure. 'I guess It was me who made a decision, that had us growing apart as a result.' A very bad, terrible, horrible decision.

James frowned. 'Well that is certainly unfortunate. You two looked great together! Didn't they?' He turned to the audience, which erupted in cheers and claps.

'You're right, it is unfortunate.' Timothée continued, even though the crowd was still cheering. 'And I regret it, with every fiber in my body.'

A laugh of disbelief left the boys' lips. What the hell was he doing? Digging his own grave? It certainly looked like it.

'Go on.' James said, hoping every single camera in his studio was catching this moment.

'We'll there isn't much more to be said. But Lizzie is full of light. She is real and pure and amazing. And god, so talented.' He rambled, his eyes skimming over the faces in the crowd.
'And I miss her.'

The crowd had fallen silent. Even James had lost his words for a moment. All he could see his guests face was a look of pain and regret.

'Well! That was certainly a romantic thing to witness!' He tried to move on.

Luckily the audience started laughing. But they were mostly in awe by what had just happened.


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bobo_peters, saoirseronan and 3.460.237 others liked this

tchalamet thanks so much for having me @jamescorden. It was a blast.

user1: it certainly was my friend
user2: mans lowkey had a little breakdown on live tv

user3: this was such sensation
user4 : Yes!! omg and a little more clarity in the whole lizzie thing

petedavidson: Yes dude!! serenade her!

user5: ugh this was the SWEETEST THING
user6: IKR so romantic pls
user7: our girl better take him back now

zendaya: a true romantic

user8: this was such a vulnerable moment🥺🥺
user9: right! this is why I love him, so real and down to earth


i'm sorry i zayned for a minute, my bad 😔😔

but we are back!!! and the Limmy ball is rolling again yeee

I've missed you ALL

foreign feelings - TIMOTHÉE CHALAMETWhere stories live. Discover now