Going to the Beach With Them

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"Y/n! Come on!" Billy yelled from downstairs. He wore his swim trunks and and a red t-shirt. You two were going to the beach with his family and had gotten a new swimsuit just for the occasion, but now that you had it on, doubts flooded your mind. "Ok, I love you kryptonite but Rosa, Victor and the rest of the kids are waiting in the car. Freddie already ate half the food!" 

You looked in the mirror one last time, then clipped your towel/skirt (a/n it's a thing), then walked out of the bathroom and down the stairs. "I look terrible," you mumbled, catching Billy's attention. 

He stared at you, his mouth hung open. "Oh my gods," he sighed, his eyes filled with love and admiration. "You look gorgeous." You blushed, then walked down the rest of the stairs.

"Let's not keep your family waiting," you said, smirking ever so slightly. Billy shook his head, then grinned and followed you out the door. 


What y'all did cause I'm lazy rn

-swam in the ocean (after a lot of convincing from Billy)

-laid in the sun

-made a bonfire

- sang around said bonfire


"BEACH! BEACH! BEACH!" Freddie and you chanted as Billy drove the three of you, including his girlfriend, Abby (a/n YOURS TRULY, let me have my fun), to the beach. "BEACH!!!!!" you and Freddie said finally, as Billy pulled the car into the beach parking lot.

"Now kids stay safe," Billy said in a fatherly voice. 

"Dude, we're the same age," Freddie scoffed. 

"Actually I'm older," Billy smirked.

"By a few months!" Freddie exclaimed.

"Can we just get out of the car and onto the beach?!" you exclaimed.

"Agreed," Abby nodded at you. 

"Yeah," Billy and Freddie said. 

"Well then come on!" you grinned, opening the car door and running onto the beach.


What u do cause I'm still lazy

-build a sandcastle

-bury Billy while he's sleeping

-build a bonfire

-kiss under the moon

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