You Introduce Them To Me

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Allen_xa requested this 😂


"Billy, I want you to meet someone," you said, approaching Billy by his locker. Billy smiled at you, but his brows furrowed when he saw a girl with short blonde hair behind you. "This is Abby."

Abby waved slightly, smiling. "Hello," she said, her voice a bit scratchy. 

"Hi," Billy said. He just wanted to go home and cuddle with you, ignoring any homework you were assigned. 

"Well..." you said after a while of silence. 

"I should go so you two can do some fluffy things," Abby stated. 

"What?" Billy asked furrowing his brows. 

"It's best you don't know," Abby added, smirking before she walked away.

"Your friend's weird," Billy said, kissing your cheek. 

"A little," you agreed. 


"FREDDIE!" you yelled, slamming open Freddie's door. Freddie screamed and fell out of his chair. "Careful," you stated as he lay face down on the ground. 

"What do you want woman?" Freddie asked, pushing his upper body off the ground. 

"I want you to meet the author," you said, helping him get to his crutches. 

"The what now?" Freddie asked. 

Suddenly, a beam of light flashed in front of the room. "Me, I am the author," a blonde girl said, appearing from the beam. "You may call me Abby though."

"Hey Abby," you said, smirking at Freddie's confused face.

"Hey," Abby grinned. "Freddie, I must speak with you of superheroes."


"HOW THE HELL CAN YOU SAY SUPERMAN IS OVER RATED!?" Freddie screamed. You groaned as you sat on his bed as he and Abby argued. '



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