Chapter 42

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After around an hour, Pony had finally fallen asleep. I pulled the blankets over him and kissed his forehead.

When I walked into the living room, I saw that Dallas never actually left.

"Hey baby. What're ya still doin' here?", I asked.

Dallas shrugged, "not sure. I guess I wanted to stay just in case sumthin' happened and ya needed help".
I smiled as I snuggled up next to him, "your the best".

"Hey Dal? Could we go back to the flower meadows tonight for the sunset too?", I asked smiling.

But Dallas wasn't smiling anymore. The smile faded off of his face faster than a race car.

"What's the matter baby?"

"No.", he said looking away.

"Why not?", I asked getting concerned.

Dallas rolled his eyes, "I hate sunsets.."

I was confused, "how? I mean you like sunrises. Sunsets are the same thing just in reverse!"

"Gabby I don't like sunrises. I just tolerate them for ya", Dallas looked mad now. I didn't understand why he was so upset though.

"Dally your being ridiculous! I just wanted to go again because this mornin' was so magical..", Dallas got up off of the couch, "I'm outta here.."

"DALLAS WAIT A MINUTE!", I said jumping up. I grabbed his arm but he pulled free and ran down the porch steps and out the gate, almost knocking Johnny to the ground as he did.

"Jesus Christ Dal' slow down! What's his problem?!", Johnny asked as he got inside.

"I don't know. I suggested him and I go see the sunset tonight like we did with the sunrise this mornin', and he got all pissed and ran off.."

Johnny puffed out a breath, "I don't know what his problem is, but I have a feelin' it's gonna take up the rest of the day tryna figure out.."

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