Where The Hell Is Merlin?

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The first sense to return to Arthur, was his hearing. There was a bustling of voices and noise above him as he drifted back into the realm of consciousness. He felt his arms and his legs, resting on a bed that was too uncomfortable to be his own. Finally, he opened his eyes and found a plain stone ceiling staring back at him. He investigated further. He was in a small room with a few cabinets and shelves. A window allowed evening light to spill onto his face. He recognized it. This was Merlin's room.

He swung his legs over the bed and winced as he felt a sharp pain dance up his spine and through his neck. He faintly remembered being thrown against a wall. All the noise and commotion that had drawn him from his deep sleep was muffled and coming from the next room. Cautiously, so as to not cause any more sharp pains in his back, he rose from the bed and made his way to the door. 

The voices and the din got louder as he approached. He opened the door to find Gaius' chambers alive and hectic. There were dozens of makeshift cots spread out all over the floor. Gaius and many servants hurried about, treating people left and right. Some had severe head injuries while others simply weren't conscious. 

"Gaius?" he called out. The old man turned and Arthur could see relief wash over his face.

"Arthur, thank goodness your awake. I wasn't sure... I couldn't treat you until you woke and I knew where the pain was." He made his way toward the prince, stepping over his patients. 

"Gaius, what's going on?"

"Well, when everyone fell asleep under the curse, some were in much less fortunate positions than others."

"Oh... I see," Arthur said, everything rushing back to him all at once. Morgause, the knights of Medhir, his father... "Is my father alright? What happened?"

"The king is safe and currently resting in his chambers. He has no physical injuries, but ordered he be left alone for the time being. I'll send a messenger to inform him that you are alright." 

"No need, Gaius. I'll simply see him myself."

"I don't think that's such a good idea, sire. He insisted he have no visitors. Even you."


"I'm not sure, but this experience has been taxing on all of us."

Arthur looked around at all the patients. "Gaius, I still don't understand. What actually happened? The last thing I remember was Morgause standing over me as I fell asleep. The knights of Medhir were with her and my father was completely vulnerable. What happened?"

Gaius gestured to the corner of his chambers. "You'll have to ask her for the full story." Arthur looked to where he gestured. On the rickety set of stairs that led up to Gaius' book shelf, sat Morgana with a blanket around her shoulders. Arthur made his way over to her. 


She looked up. "Oh, Arthur. You're awake. Thank goodness." She clutched her blanket tighter. 

"What happened after I fell asleep?"

"Well... after you fell asleep, there was nothing preventing Morgause from killing your father. Nothing, but me."

"You stopped her?" Arthur asked, shocked. 

She nodded. "I took your sword and stabbed her in the back."

"You managed to stab her?"

Again, she nodded. "She fled, probably to heal. The enchantment fled with her, as did the knights of Medhir."

Arthur blinked. "That's all it took?"

"I caught her off guard. She didn't see it coming."

Arthur nodded curtly, trying to hide his embarrassment. "Good job then."

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