Enemy Of The Enemy

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Merlin was terrified. More terrified than he had ever been. There was more adrenaline coursing through his veins now then when he had dueled Nimue or even when he was fighting for his life against the petrifying knights of Medhir. He tried not to show his fear, but based on Morgause's satisfied expression, he wasn't doing a perfect job. 

"Have you never thought about death before, Emrys?"

"Of course I've thought about death. I've been close to it more times than I can count."

She smiled wryly. "I think you have been more distant from death than you realize." She got up from the table and began to pace once more, just outside the candle light. Her voice seemed to echo around Merlin. He gave up trying to keep track of where she was. "Do you know what your name means?"

"A Merlin is a bird," he said, even though he knew what Morgause was really after. 

"Yes, very amusing. I was referring to your druid name."


"Emrys means... immortal."

Merlin froze. The adrenaline in his blood stood still. He felt like he was watching the world from a distance, like these events were only his own reflection in a mirror and even then, the mirror stood across a vast chamber. After a long pause, he found the strength to speak. "You can't possibly... I can't... but I've been so close... I've almost been killed countless times-"

"All destiny's illusion. A good one too."

"No, when Nimue poisoned me, I would have died if Arthur hadn't brought me the antidote! I was so close to death then, and that's only one example."

"Oh, yes, Morgana told me all about that, and I've had nothing but time to speculate." She met his eyes. "I think you did die Emrys. You did die that day. Of course this is just my own thoughts, but I don't think Arthur was in time. He would have been, if his father hadn't been such an arrogant fool."

Merlin shook his head. "No, Arthur was in time. That's how I'm still here."

"Your little maidservant friend, Gwen, told my sister all about how things transpired. You stopped breathing, your heart stopped. An antidote can't cure a poison victim if the poison has already done its dirty deed." She emerged from the shadows. "In my years training to be a high priestess, I learned enough about you, Emrys, to know that it wasn't the antidote that cured you that day."

Merlin couldn't find his words. 

"Of course, it makes for a better narrative if Arthur, the brave and conceited prince, commits a selfless act to save his defenseless servant."

"Why are you telling me all this?!"

"Because, Emrys, you are destined to be my sister's end. I cannot let that happen. If you were to be kept alive, even in chains, destiny would find away to carry out its cruel work." She shook her head. "If Morgana is to be safe, you must be dead and in the past few weeks I have discovered just how to do it." 

Merlin shifted in the chair, trying to distance himself as much as possible from the enchantress. "I don't understand-"

"A blade forged in a dragon's breath should do it, as long as a powerful enough spell is cast when using it. You must be weakened first. The only problem is..." She stopped her pacing to stare directly at Merlin. "There hasn't been a blade like this made in thousands of years, the last ones being lost to time."

Merlin looked away, trying to conceal the recognition in his eye at the mention of such a blade. His mind raced, thinking of the one he made for Arthur that now rested in the depths of Avalon. 

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