Chapter Thirty-Four

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No One's P.O.V

Ray shakes violently as he stared at the floor. Secret scooter back slightly so she was next to Klaus, not knowing what was happening to Ray. "You said it was going to feel better. Why doesn't it feel better?"  Ray looked up at Klaus with tears streaming down his face. "Some master race." Stefan spoke, leaning against the same tree again. "Lose the attitude." Klaus demanded, in a bad mood from realizing it wasn't working out like he planned.

The same girl from before gasped as she sat up. Secret stared at her in distaste, still mad about before. "Derek, come feed your girlfriend." Klaus ordered as Derek stood up, Klaus grabbing his arm. Secret scooted back over to Ray and held his face, examining it again. Ray growled at her and threw her back harshly before he ran off. Secret flew back, taking down two trees from how hard he threw her until she slid onto the ground, groaning as a chunk of wood stuck out of her stomach.

"Go get him." Klaus ordered Stefan as he stared back at his sister in worry. He stared at her a few more second before he ran off after the wolf. Secret pulled the piece of wood out of her stomach and ran after him. Stefan tackled Ray to the floor, Secret coming up right as Ray dug his teeth into his arm. Secret quickly picked up Ray and threw him back before turning around as Stefan let out grunts of pain.

"Jesus fucking Christ, not again." She mumbled as she stared at the bite on his arm. They both started to go after him but Secret pulled Stefan to a stop when she heard Damon's voice. "How you doing?" Damon asked Elena in the distance. "Fine." She responded, annoyed. Secret and Stefan's head whipped back to look at where the voices were coming from. "You know, I could help you." Damon told a stubborn Elena.

"No thanks." She declined his offer. "Just one little fwoosh." He spoke. Secret walked forward, Stefan following her as she looked down at them. "Yeah, with my luck, you'd drop me." Alaric sighed at their childish banter. "What are you guys, 12?" Stefan stood next to a shocked Secret. "Damon." She whispered, tears pricking her eyes. Stefan grabbed her wrist, making sure she didn't run over to them.

Klaus walked up to them, Stefan turning around as Secret stared at them until they were out of view, then turned around. "Where did he go?" Secret realized that if they stayed any longer right there that Klaus would be able to notice Damon, Elena, and Alaric. "He, uh, he got away. Forget him. Let's go." Secret grabbed Stefan's hand and lead him past Klaus. Klaus stopped them by grabbing Stefan's arm, the one with the werewolf bite.

"A fatal werewolf bite." He looked up from the wound and smirked at Stefan. "Ouch." Stefan looked down at it while Secret responded for him. "Yeah. He's going to need your blood to heal him. She reached to grab Klaus' other wrist, but he pulled his arm back. "Well, I tell you what. You find Rat, and then I'll heal you." Stefan scoffed while Secret stared at Klaus in shock.

"You can't be serious." Klaus leaned in slightly, no emotion on his face that showed that he was joking. "You better hurry, 'cause that bite looks nasty." Secret moved to tackle Klaus but Stefan grabbed her. "You asshole!" She yelled out after him. "Come on, let's go." She spoke after she calmed herself down, taking his hand and running after the wolf.


Secret watched as she saw Damon walk around aimlessly, looking around when he heard a twig snap. Ray came out from behind and yelled as he lunged for him. Secret watched as they fought, Stefan holding her back from going to help. However, she broke out of his grip once she saw Ray trying to bite him. "Damon!" She yelled out as she ran over to them, ripping Ray's heart out.

Secret threw the heart onto the grounds, wrapping her arms around her older brother as she started to cry. Damon hugged her back, kissing the top of her head as he looked up at Stefan. "Fancy meeting you here." Stefan glared at Damon. "What part of 'don't follow me anymore' got lost in translation, Damon?" Stefan asked, irritated. Secret pulled back looked over Damon for any bites while they continued their conversation.

"Might want to take it up with your girlfriend. You don't want her chasing you then I'd stop the late night phone calls." Stefan shook his head as Secret didn't see any bites on Damon. "I didn't call her." Stefan denied. "Sure you did. She's not gonna give up on you." Secret clung back onto Damon, knowing that she's going to have to leave him again.

"Well she has too." Stefan and Damon's breathing was loud considering how quiet it was around them. "Because we're never coming back." Secret told Damon as she pulled away, tears streaming down her face. "Why don't you get her home? See if you could keep her there this time." Damon nodded. "I'll be right behind you, give me a second." Secret told Stefan, not letting her eyes leave Damon, scared he'll disappear.

Stefan ran back to camp with Ray's body. "I miss you." Secret mumbled as Damon pulled her into a hug. "I love you so much, Day. Please don't do anything stupid." She whispered as she pulled away, trying to keep back anymore tears from falling out. Before he could respond she had ran, making her way back to where Stefan and Klaus now were.

Secret appeared right next to Stefan as he dropped Ray's body onto the floor. "They went rabid. Some of them I killed, the others just... bled out." Klaus spoke, his voice full of disappointment and hurt. He stood up, still holding onto the beer bottle. "In the end, they're all dead." Secret frowned as she looked around at the dead bodies.

Klaus yelled in anger and threw the bottle, watching it smash against the floor. Secret flinched and stepped closer to Stefan as Klaus continued to scream. "I did everything I was told! I should be able to turn them. I broke the curse, I killed a werewolf, I killed a vampire, I killed the doppelgänger." Secret glanced over at Stefan, making eye contact, as they both knew Elena wasn't dead.

Klaus looked up and stared at Secret and Stefan, who both held worried and fearful expressions. "You look like hell." Klaus stated as he settled his gaze on Stefan. "Last I checked, I'm dying." Secret completely forgot about her bite, her eyes fleeting over to his arm. "And you don't want to heal me." Stefan held o it his arm to show him.

Klaus looked down at Ray. "We had to take him out, we didn't have a choice." Secret's quiet voice flooded their ears as she stared down at Ray in hatred, not liking how he threw her, bite her brother, then proceeded to trying to bite her other brother. "We failed you." Stefan looked back over at Klaus. "I'm sorry." He apologized while walking up to him.

"Do what you have to do." Secret ran over and pulled Stefan back. "Are you crazy?!" She yelled at him, standing in between Klaus and Stefan. "It should've worked." Secret stood in front of Stefan, watching Klaus like a hawk as he walked back and grabbed a beer bottle. He stared at Secret's tear stained cheeks as she stood protectively in front of her little brother, unsure on what he was doing.

Klaus bit into his wrist, letting the blood drip into the bottle until the bite healed itself. Klaus held out the bottle to Stefan, as both him and Secret stared at it. "Bottoms up." Klaus smiled sarcastically. Stefan walked past Secret and took the bottle. "We're leaving." He dropped his smile as he turned around, he stopped walking after a few steps, looking back at the corpses of the wolves.

"It appears you're the only comrades I have left." Secret frowned after seeing Klaus show a little bit of vulnerability. Stefan drinker the blood until the last drop, throwing the bottle away. Secret grabbed Stefan's hand and they both walked behind Klaus. Stefan silently comforted his sister as she thought about Damon, missing him already.

(As usual, no spelling checks.)

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