Chapter Thirty-Nine

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No One's P.O.V

Stefan walked into Gloria's bard as she sat at a table, multiple white candles lit around her as her hands were placed on a big book. "You left us." Rebekah poured as she sat ontop of the bar. "Yeah, sorry. Retail therapy was making my head explode." Stefan walked down the steps and over to them. "Tell me about it." Secret hit Klaus' shoulder. "What did we agree upon?" Klaus raised his hands up in defense before looking back over at Stefan.

"What's she doing?" Secret frowned as she stared at Gloria, worried and scared that she's going to find out about Elena. "She's failing." Klaus sighed as he looked over at Gloria. "It's hard to find something when you don't have anything to go on." She snapped back at Klaus opening her eyes to look at him for a second before she closed them again.

"So use me." Rebekah hopped down from the bar. "I only wore it for a thousand years." She walked over to Gloria. "See? Now this one offers a solution." Rebekah sat down where there weren't any candles on the table. "All right, give me your hand, Sweetheart." Rebekah placed her hand into Gloria's as Secret walked over to Stefan. He instantly recognized the worry on her face as she stood next to him, staring at Gloria and Rebekah.

"She's, uh, she's looking for the necklace, huh?" Stefan asked as he stared. "I can sense something." Gloria spoke, concentrating. Klaus stood next to Secret, his arms crossed along with hers and Stefan's as they stared. Klaus was staring impatiently while Stefan and secret stared with worry and fear. Gloria started chanting in Latin as she held Rebekah's hand.

"I found it." Secret looked over at Stefan, her eyes wide. She quickly fixed the emotions she displayed on her face and waited for Gloria to explain. "So where is it?" Rebekah hastily asked. "It doesn't work like that, Doll. I get images. There's a girl with her friends-." Rebekah smiled at Gloria as she nodded, cutting her off. "Yes, a dead girl with dead friends, if I don't get my necklace back." Secret swallowed the limp in her throat.

"Well, I'll have to dive back in to get the details."  Klaus walked over to them. "So dive." He demanded. "I need more time." She excused. "And space. You're harshing my Ju-Ju." Klaus smiled. "We can wait." Gloria nodded. "I'm sure you can. But that's not what I asked." Stefan walked over to them, Secret following behind him. "Hey, you know, why don't we just come back later. I'm hungry anyway. I'll let you pick who we eat." He persuaded Klaus. Klaus thought about it before he stood up from leaning on the table, Rebekah following them.

Secret stared at Gloria as they walked out the door. "Aren't you going to go with them?" Gloria asked as she looked over at her. Secret blinked and took a step back. "Uh, yeah, I was just about to." She sped over to the door, looking back with a frown before she walked out, easily catching up with them.


Secret sat on a crate while Stefan and Klaus fed on a few girls, Rebekah having finished hers before them. "My girl's dead. I'm bored." Secret stared at the ground as she thought of ways to kill Gloria, if needed. "You weren't kidding about being hungry." Klaus pulled away from his girl, talking to Stefan as he ignored Rebekah. "Yeah. It's been a long day." Stefan smiled at Klaus

"Try being related to her." Klaus nodded over to Rebekah, a grin on his face. "You're mean. Secret, they're being mean to me." Secret just nodded as she stared at the floor, her head resting in her hands. "And why are you being mean? You used to love me." Rebekah asked Stefan, hurt from the way he's acting. "It's been 90 years, Rebekah. Give him a minute." Klaus told her, not helping the situation.

"Why are you taking his side?" Rebekah demanded. Secret groaned as she got up from her crate. "Because, my dear sister, I feel pity for any man who doesn't give you what you want." Klaus still held his girl. Secret walked over, a glare on her face. "Will you stop making me out to be a brat? I am not a brat!" Rebekah was quickly getting more and more frustrated.

"A thousand years of life experience says otherwise." Klaus grinned at her, earning a laugh from Stefan. "Well you're not a picnic, either. I mean, I've only spent one summer with you, and I feel like I want to blow my head off." He told him, making Rebekah laugh. "Fantastic." Stefan dropped the girl's dead body on the floor.

Secret pulled herself up and sat next to Rebekah, calming down when she realized that they won't shut up. "I need to go." Secret frowned as she stared at Stefan. "Where's he going?" Rebekah asked Klaus as Secret stared at the floor. "To write a name on a wall. It's a long story." Klaus told her before he stuck his fangs back into the girl. "And why are you not eating?" Rebekah asked as she turned her head to look at Secret.

"I'm too busy thinking to worry about eating." She told her nonchalantly as she leaned back, staring at the ceiling now. "May I ask what you're thinking about?" Rebekah's tone was curious as she stared at Secret. "A lot of things that I don't feel like listing." There was no way she was going to tell them how she was thinking about killing Gloria, worrying about Elena, and finding ways to escape and go see Damon.

She was even kissing Klaus and Rebekah's ass, there was no way she would forgive Klaus just like that. Instead she did everything they wanted as she planned her escape, one that involves getting her and Stefan's freedom back. "I'm gonna go after Stefan, I want to talk to him anyways." Secret left before they could stop her, knowing that he was going to be at Gloria's.

"Hey." She spoke as they both stood outside the door. Stefan rolled his eyes as he opened the door, letting her walk in first. "There you two are."  Gloria spoke as she picked up empty glasses from tables, having sensed them coming in. "Thought you were resting." Stefan called out her lie. "Well, now we both have a secret." Secret frowned as they both walked over to her.

"What did you see?" Secret demanded to know, her hands resting on the bar as she leaned forwards. "It's what I heard that's interesting. You know, the girls with the necklace were talking about you." She told Stefan as he poured himself a drink. "Yet you didn't tell Klaus. Why?" Stefan asked as he held his glass. "Cause I wouldn't help that hybrid halfbreed with anything." She grabbed the bottle of alcohol and placed it back on one of the shelves behind her.

"The necklace is a talisman from the original witch herself. I want it." Secret shook her head. "Well, I'm sorry. We can't help you." Secret told her with a fake smile as her and Stefan started to walk away. "Don't be difficult. You know, I'd hate to have to tell Klaus what a liar his sidekick and lover is." Secret snapped around. "I am not his lover." She glared at Gloria. Secret ran over to grab her, but right before she could, Gloria turned around, using her magic on her.

Secret starting groaning as she pressed her hand against her head. It felt like her skull was breaking open and her brain was turning into liquid x100. Stefan ran to help but she did the same with him. "Guess I've got to get it out of you the hard way, huh?" She asked Secret as she fell onto her knees.

(Spelling checks= ❌)

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