Chapter Twenty-Three

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No One's P.O.V

Stefan watched as Klaus latched onto Elena, his fangs deep in her neck. Secret sat on the floor, watching without any emotion, she had wiped all emotion off her face earlier. She kept wondering on what she should do, should she go help Elena, should she help her brother? She sighed as she went over her thoughts.

After a few seconds of think Secret dug her fingers into the wound on Stefan's shoulder, making him cry out. Before she could take the stake out her body was thrown back by a force of magic, making her body collide with a tree, knocking it over. Her body fell to the floor, pain once again radiating through her. She groaned as multiple things started to heal in her body once again.

"I can feel it." She heard Klaus' voice. Secret quickly got up, her body making some noises as it finished healing. "This bitch." She mumbled, her anger settling on the witch. "It's happening." Secret sped back into the clearing, wincing as she saw Klaus fall to the floor, seeing and hear his bones break and start to reform themselves in a different way.

She watched as he flew back and Bonnie came out. Secret watched as the witch tried to do something, but she quickly ran over to her before anything could happen. Secret easily snapped her neck, spitting on the body after it hit the floor. "Bitch." She quickly turned around, Damon appearing in front of her. "Are you okay?" He rushed out, turning her face in every direction, looking for any indication that she was hurt.

"I am now." She spoke as she glanced down at the witch. "Grab Elena, I'll help Stefan." Secret demanded, to which Damon quickly complied with. Secret ran over to Stefan, ignoring Klaus as he kept yelling in pain and talking about how Bonnie was dead. Secret grabbed the stake and pulled it out of his body, a groan of relief and pain. Left Stefan as the wound started to heal.

Damon came over and sat Elena next to Stefan. "I thought I said to go!" Damon ignored Secret, causing her to let out a noise of frustration. "I need you to get her out out here!" Stefan rushed out, agreeing with his older sister. "What about you?" Damon asked as he took his eyes off of Klaus. "I can take him." Secret spoke, glancing at Bonnie. "I'm not leaving until he's dead." Stefan rejected.

"Go!" Stefan urged. "I'll stay with him." Secret told Damon, who hesitated before grabbing Elena off of the floor. Damon ran off with Elena, leaving the others there as they wished, yet his worry was still with him. Secret walked up next to Bonnie as she stopped chanting, Elijah walking up to a crumbled Klaus that laid on the floor. "Elijah?" Klaus' face was full of hurt, not because of the pain he just endured, but because of betrayal.

"Hello, brother." Elijah replied as he looked down at him. Stefan walked up to both Bonnie and Secret, standing next to them as he panted slightly. Elijah's hand dug into Klaus' chest with one move. "That was dramatic." Secret whispered to Bonnie, who held back a smile. "In the name of our family, Niklaus..." Elijah shoved his hand further, starting to get a grip on his heart.

"I didn't burn them at sea!" Klaus' pained voice spoke, looking at his older brother. "What?" Elijah's face slightly fell. "There bodies are safe!" Klaus spoke, slightly more confident. "Uh oh." Secret whispered as she slowly inched forward. "If you kill me, you'll never find them." Klaus pointed out, making Elijah think over what he should do, to which everyone noticed.

"Elijah!" Secret pulled him out of his slight daze, his head turning to look at her. "Don't listen to him." Stefan begged as Secret slowly started to move forward again. "Elijah." Klaus grabbed his attention once again, causing the older original's head to move back over to look at his younger brother. "I can't take you to them." His words were slightly pushed together, due to the pain that was radiating through his chest, but everyone could still make it out.

"I give you my word... Brother." There was a short pause in his sentence before he finished it. Elijah glanced over at the others, taking in their faces, Stefan's was a begging one, Bonnie's was a threatening one, but Secret's was different. Hers was telling him to do it, she understood how important family was, and she didn't want to keep him from his.

Well, that's the excuse she was giving herself. When Elijah's hand first plunged into Klaus' chest a knot formed in her stomach. She didn't know why, but she just didn't want Klaus to die, so she still blames it on Greta, somehow. She gave a small nod to Elijah, one that went unnoticed by everyone except for the original who always wore suits.

"Do it and I'll take you both out." Bonnie threatened. "You'll die." Elijah pointed out, slightly hoping that would set her off her tracks. "I don't care." She fired back, her glare hardening. After a few seconds of silence Elijah looked back at Stefan. "I'm sorry." Stefan and Bonnie started to run to them. "NO!" He yelled out. They only got to where Secret was standing when Elijah took his hand out of Klaus' chest and picked him up, running off with his speed.

Secret watched silently, reaching out and taking Stefan's hand into hers, bringing him a tiny bit of comfort.

Damon walked into the old witchy house, carrying Elena. "If you come back as a vampire, I'll stake you myself. So don't do it." He talked to Elena as he sat her down on a torn up couch. "Because I can't stand the idea of you hating me forever." He whispered to her as he moved her hair out of her face. A look of sadness and desperation was on his face as he stared at her.

Jermey came running into the room, his breathing heavy from worry and from running. Alaric came running after him, both of them standing at the doorway. "How is she?" Jermey asked before Alaric had the chance. "I don't know yet." Damon responded, not turning around to look at them, not hesitating with his words.

"What about Jenna?" Alaric's voice was filled with fear and worry, just like Jermey's was. Damon sighed as he looked back, not having to say anything to him for Alaric to understand. "No." He whispered, his expression being filled with denial, shock, and sorrow. Damon turned his gaze to the youngest Gilbert. "Im sorry, Jermey." Jermey looked at Alaric in shock before looking back at Damon.

Damon turned around and looked back down at Elena. John walked towards the door, turning around to look at his daughter once more. Alaric walked off in the halls while John turned back around and walked outside. Jermey stayed standing by the door, barely processing Jenna's death, mostly worrying about Elena.

John looked back into the house with tears in his eyes, a small smile on his face, knowing that his daughter was going to live, even if he has to take her place in death. Elena gasped as her body bolted up, her eyes frantic as fear coursed through her veins. "Elena." Damon said with relief while Jermey ran over to them.

Alaric came back to the doorway when he heard the girl wake up, watching from a distance. "What happened?" She breathed out, the words barely even audible with her heavy breathing. "How do you feel?" Damon asked, ignoring Elena's question, more worried about her than answering it. "I feel fine." She nodded as she started to control her breathing and her racing heart.

John looked away from them, looking up at the sky, waiting for it to come. He took one last breath, a sad smile playing on his lips as he feel onto the ground outside of the house. He had accepted it, he had accepted death as it took over his body, ending his life. He gladly died, knowing that his daughter didn't have to be a vampire, knowing that she will live the way that she wants. He would do it 1,000 times again, because he loves her.

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