Chapter Twenty-One

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No one's P.O.V

Secret gasped as she sat up straight, her hand flying to her neck. She looked around, fear evident in her features, for she didn't know where she was. Everyone's eyes snapped over to her; Elena and Jenna had forgotten she was here, while Klaus and Greta were waiting for her to wake up. "It appears you finally want to join us, Secret." Secret's head shot over to the side as soon as she heard the British accent.

"W-What's going on?" She looked over at the two Gilberts. "Elena? Jenna?" A look of realization came over her and she turned back to Klaus, quickly standing up. "Why is Jenna here?!" She demanded, already known the answer, but hoping she was wrong. "Well since you and your brother took my werewolf and vampire, I had to bring in the back-ups." Secret was furious, she quite liked Jenna, she had grown a bit attached to the woman.

Secret used her enhanced speed to get to Klaus, her hand wrapping around his throat as the other one moved to the top of his head. It was clear on what she planned to do, she was going to snap his neck, she would've torn out his heart, but she couldn't bring herself to do it for some unknown reason. Sadly, Klaus is a lot faster than her, his hand quickly grabbing her neck and squeezing it quite tight, making her arms fall to her side as she struggled to breathe.

"And here I thought you were the smart Salvatore." Secret glared at him. "No, I'm just the Salvatore that'll beat your ass." Her words were strained as she kept gasping for air. Klaus smirked before he threw her to the ground. Secret made a move to get up and lunge for him, but Greta was quick to use a spell to bind her to the dirt floor, not allowing her to get up.

Klaus walked over to Jenna's circle, stopping right before the fire. "Hello, Jenna." Jenna slowly stood up, her eyes narrowed at the original in front of her. Elena was quick to stand up too. "Let her go." She demanded. Secret didn't stop her attempts at getting up, her body not allowing her to even sit in a straight up position. "I understand that I have to die, but she doesn't!" Elena tried to reason with the vampire.

She moved to walk over to Jenna, but the ring of fire quickly rose, stopping her from moving any closer. "Careful." Klaus warned. "Elena, don't!" Jenna demanded. "No, Jenna!" Elena countered, not wanting her aunt to die. "We can't leave Jermey without a family." She pointed out one of the many reasons why she was trying to save her aunt. Elena turned to face Klaus, her face masked with desperation.

"I followed your rules, I did everything you asked. I didn't run. Please!" Klaus only responded with a subtle smirk, his eyes turning back to Jenna as she faced him once again. "Well, well." Klaus' smirk got bigger as he started to turn around. "I don't recall you being on the guest list." He faced Stefan as he walked into the clearing, making himself known.

Secret strained her neck to look at him. She gasped as she saw her brother, her attempts to get up became more violent. "I'm here to talk." His eyes flickered over to his sister before settling back on Klaus. "Very well, then." Klaus looked back at Jenna once more before speeding over to Stefan, standing right in front of him with his stake in his hand.

"What can I do for you, Mr.Salvatore?" Klaus asked with a devilish grin. "Stefan go!!" His older sister yelled as she struggled with the spell. Stefan looked over at his older sister. "As the older sibling, I demand that you leave." She spoke, her voice filled with concern and sternness. Klaus smirked at Secret as he watched how protective she was getting.

Stefan just simply ignored his sister as he turned back to Klaus. Secret groaned in frustration and anger, nothing was going right and she couldn't get off of the bloody ground. "What's going on?" Jenna demanded. "I-I don't know." Elena answered as Secret was listening into the conversation between the original and her younger brother, tuning out the two Gilberts' conversation so she could hear the other one better.

"You don't need to kill Jenna." Stefan's calm voice spoke. "I'll take her place." Secret's eyes widened as she moved her mouth to scream in protest, but an invisible hand covered her mouth, muffling the noise. Secret threw a glare to the witch, who only gave her a satisfied smirk. "Well, I don't know. I rather enjoy the symmetry of 3 women. 3 goddesses. Sacrificed at nature's alter." Klaus walked around Stefan as he spoke, causing him to turn to look at him.

Secret's eyes started to water, fear for her brother taking over all of her emotions. "Don't play games with me." Stefan spoke, slight anger seeping into his tone. Secret's tears flowed down onto the dirt from the side of her eyes. "You'll get what you want." Klaus glanced at Secret before his eyes found their way back to Stefan, amusement written all over his face. "Quite the hero, aren't you?" A cunning smirk played against his lips.

"I've heard that about you." Stefan started to get annoyed at the original. "Just make the trade. Me for Jenna." He demanded Secret shook her head and gave pleading eyes to Klaus as the tears still flowed like a small stream, begging him to not give in. Yes she liked Jenna, but she would rather have her die than her brother, for he's far more important to her than the Gilbert Aunt.

Klaus already knew he didn't want to use Stefan, and one look at Secret's face made it stronger. Klaus interrupted Elena's sentence with his own as he and Stefan walked over. "Quite the predicament. You know, it's funny, all this talk about preserving family,  and here's Stefan, granting your wish." Stefan avoided Secret's gaze, not wanting to see his older sister crying.

Elena sighed with sadness. "Stefan..." Stefan nodded. "It's okay." Secret's eyes moved over to Elena, glaring at the girl. She's the reason her was going to die, she absolutely despised her, her want, no need, to kill someone has never been stronger than this moment. "Well. Who's it going to be, Elena?" Klaus asked, pointing in between the two vampires with the stake.

"No." She spoke, not giving a direct answer. "Oh, don't worry. There's actually no choice." He then used his speed to go around Stefan and shove the stake into his left shoulder. Secret gasped, the hand slowly disappearing. She was grateful that he wasn't going to die, she was happy that he was going to live. But, she was mad that he had been stabbed with a stake, only she can do that.

"I have other plans for your boyfriend. I want him alive. But for now..." He turned around to face Stefan again and snapped his neck with one fluid motion. Stefan's body fell to the ground, hitting it harshly. "Whenever you are ready, Greta." He signaled the witch. Greta started chanting a spell in Latin, causing the fire around Jenna to slowly disappear from sight.

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