Chapter Fifty-Five

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Third Person P.O.V

Secret showed up to the Gilbert house as soon as Jeremy chopped the head off of a hybrid, she had been running errands the whole day.

She ran over as soon as Elena screamed, turning around so she didn't have to look. "What the fuck?!" Secret yelled as she crouched down next to the hybrid. "Now he's dead." Jeremy stated, Elena looking at him in disbelief. "I will get rid of the body." Secret quickly spoke, grabbing the head, flinging the torso onto her shoulder before disappearing.

She ran to a nearby city, taking out the eyes and teeth from the head, using her foot to bash it in. She threw the piece of flesh and bones into the dumpster, moving onto the body. She removed the hands and feet, ripping them off of the corpse.

She sat those down by the eyes and teeth, standing back up and kicking and stomping on the flesh until the entire body was bloody and unrecognizable as a human, or in this case, a hybrid. She grabbed the other things, using a cloth she found in the dumpster to roll them up. She went to a different city, scattering them all over.

Her entire figure was covered in blood as she sighed, Elena texting her and told her what had happened. Secret sighed, knowing that Klaus just couldn't let everything be left alone. She ran back to her house, Elena opening the door for her. "Well, don't you look just lovely." Klaus spoke from behind her.

"I'd have half of a mind to kick your ass." Secret threatened as she stood in front of Elena. "I asked him to come, Secret." Secret glanced back before stepping into the house. "Thank you for coming." Elena thanked the original hybrid. "I trust you have news of Stefan." Klaus spoke as he walked in, pushing Elena's arm out of the way.

"I couldn't find him." Elena told him, Secret biting her tongue, knowing she was lying. "But I have something else." She offered. Klaus turned around to look at her. Secret followed them down to the basement, Elena open one of the cellar doors. Her eyes widening when she saw Rebekah's daggered body.

"Rebekah." Secret ran over, dropping onto her knees next to the vampire. Klaus walked in after her, standing in the doorway. "My poor sister." He stated as secret frowned. "You stabbed her in the back." Secret looked back at Elena in anger. "I can't turn my back on her for a moment." Klaus stated, treating her like she was a child.

"You have Rebekah. A deal is a deal." Secret stood up. "The life of my sister in exchange for your brother? Yeah, I'd say that's a bargain." Klaus walked into the room and over to them. "Consider him spared." Elena exhaled in relief. "You should know, I was the one that daggered her." Elena told him.

Secret's glare on Elena worsened. "When she wakes, she'll come after me." Secret rolled her eyes. "Maybe she should." She whispered, in anger. "I can control Rebekah." Klaus crouched down to look at her. "Besides, I still need your help finding Stefan." Klaus looked back up at her. "I told you, I don't know where he is." Elena repeated her lie from earlier.

Klaus pulled the dagger out of Rebekah. "You're lying." Secret moved to stand in front of Elena slightly, not sure on what he was going to do. "Fortunately, you have no shortage of loved ones." Secret glared down at Klaus. "If I don't find my family, the question you should be asking yourself is, who's going to die next? Bonnie? Caroline? Damon?" Klaus suggested.

Secret's anger flew threw the rough as she moved to step forward, Elena stopping her by placing her hand on her shoulder. Secret stayed still, knowing it wouldn't help the situation. Klaus stood up, looking past Secret to Elena. "It's only a matter of time before Stefan gives me what I want." Klaus stated the obvious.

"He doesn't care about me anymore. You made sure of that. You turned him into a monster. Now he's your problem." Secret looked back at Elena, smirking at the girl's confidence. "And just so you know, I'm not the only one Rebekah wants dead. She knows what you did to your mother. She knows that you killed her." Elena gave a satisfied smile, walking to the doorway of the cellar.

"You can let yourself out." She told Klaus before walking away. Klaus quickly found himself thrown against the wall, getting major deja vu. "How dare you try to have Alaric killed, again! Then threaten my brother right in front of me!" She yelled at him. "I need something to rile them up." Klaus stood back up.

"I am covered in blood because of you, jackass, and not in the way I like." Secret glared as she crossed her arms. "Well, it does look splendid on you." Klaus grinned. "Don't even try to change the subject, Niklaus." Secret crouched down next to Rebekah, flipping the girl over.

"Such a shame she didn't get to go." Klaus spoke with fake pity. "She was so excited." Secret whispered. "We had everything planned out, she even had a date." Secret trailed her hand down Rebekah's cheek. Klaus caught the gesture, raising an eyebrow down at the vampire. "Did anything happen between you two when I was away?" He asked.

"Got closer, hooked up too, how could I not? She's hot." Secret grinned up at him. "Oh really?" Klaus asked. "No feelings involved, we love each other, but not in a romantic way. We both needed to let off some steam." Secret explained as she rolled her eyes. "I'm going to go shower, have fun dealing with her when she wakes up. Secret walked upstairs, going to Elena first.

"First off, I am pissed off about Rebekah." Elena opened her mouth to explain, but stopped when Secret held up her hand to stop her. "But, I am very impressed on how you handle that situation downstairs, you even added in that little comment, I could even say I'm proud, I like this side of you." Elena grinned at Secret.

"Now, I'm going to shower, if anything happens, please come to me, I might be naked though, so be warned." With that Secret left the room and went to her own, peeling the blood soaked clothes off of her body as soon as she got into the bathroom. She frowned at them, it was a new outfit she had just bought the other day with Rebekah, such a waste.

Secret tossed everything into the garbage in her bathroom and started the water. She looked over her appearance in the mirror as the water warmed up, frowning at how scrubbing it would take. She got in a few seconds after using as much soap as possible as she dug away at the dried blood.

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