Chapter Fifty-Seven

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Third Person P.O.V

Secret woke up in an unfamiliar bed, bare walls surrounding her. She felt a pair of arms around her waist, causing her to look down. "Awake already?" Klaus's voice asked from behind her. She turned around to face him. "Damon has been texting you like crazy." Klaus smiled slightly. "Thank you." Secret whispered as she pulled him close, resting her head on his chest.

"For what?" He asked. "For being there." Secret responded. "For listening to me making a fool of myself." Klaus frowned as he forced her to look up at him. "You weren't making a fool of yourself." Secret's eyes started to tear up again. "Why are you being so kind to me?" Secret asked, not fathoming why he would be doing this.

"Is this all some kind of trick?" She didn't want to believe he was this nice, that he was gentle with her. "I would never do that to you." Klaus was hurt by her words, but knew she didn't mean it. "I care for you, Secret. I have ever since we met, I never stopped." Tears spilled out of Secret's eyes again. "I need you in my life." Klaus held her as she started to cry once again.

Her phone started to ring, causing Klaus to give it to her. "Secret! Are you okay? Where have you been? Jeremy just left for Denver. What happened with Stefan?" Damon rapidly asked. "I'lol be okay, Day." Secret sniffed as Klaus got up from the bed. "Have you been crying? Of course you've been crying. I'm so sorry, Secret." Damon worried.

"Can we talk later? I just want some time away from everyone." Secret sat up in the bed, looking down at the clothes she was wearing from yesterday. "Of course, I love you." Secret hung her head low. "Love you more." She whispered before hanging up. "How about you get dressed out of those clothes and meet me downstairs?" Klaus sat some clothes on the bed before leaving the room.

Secret changed and put the clothes on, a small smile on her face as she realized he got the sizing right. She walked downstairs, looking over the 134 texts Damon had sent her. She read one about what Klaus had done for Caroline, making her small smile stretch into a bigger one. "I heard there is a hero in the house." Secret spoke as she looked up from her phone and at Klaus.

"You save Caroline's life last night." Klaus smiled at her. "You didn't have to do that." Secret put her phone in her back pocket. "I knew you would be upset because she died, either because of Elena roping Damon in, or because you might have missed her yourself." Secret wrapped her arms around Klaus's neck as his hands rested on her hips.

"A little bit of both." Secret grinned up at him. "You know what I admitted to myself this morning?" She asked as Klaus looked down at her with curiosity. "What?" He asked in amusement. "You aren't as bad as I thought you were, a bit tolerable on good days." Klaus smirked. "So is it a good day?" Secret remembered a talk that they have had before.

"Not one of those good days, don't get high hopes. I was thinking about meeting up with Damon, he won't stop texting and it's annoying." Klaus nodded. "I need to speak with the other brother anyways." Secret frowned at the mention of Stefan. "Want me to kill hin?" Klaus asked. "Maybe After you get those coffins, if he doesn't apologize." Klaus smiled at her playful attitude.

"Thanks for the clothes by the way. If you're trying to buy your way into my heart, it is definitely working." She gave him a short kiss on the lips before pulling back from him and leaving the house. Secret met up with Damon at The Grill, passing by Alaric as he left. "Hey." Damon quickly pulled her in for a hug, kissing her cheek.

"I was worried about you, you didn't answer my texts all night." Secret sat down across from him. "I was staying with a friend so I could sort out my feelings." Secret decided it was best to not say it was Klaus. "Are you okay? I didn't know Stefan would do that." Secret swallowed the lump in her throat. "Next time I see him, I'm kicking his ass." She joked.

"Secret, I'm serious, are you okay?" Damon asked again. Secret felt tears threatening to spill once again. "I will be, don't worry about me, so much is going on." Damon frowned. "Of course I'm going to worry about you, you're my sister." Secret smiled at how caring he is and grabbed his hand from across the table. "I will be okay, Day, I promise. I'm just pissed off." Damon relaxed at the assurance.

They spent the next hour talking before Damon had to excuse himself. Secret went back to Klaus' house, a speaker in hand as multiple men and women followed. She grinned as she danced around, her teeth sinking into the compelled humans. Hours past by and she didn't realize, not until Damon had called her.

"Yes?" She turned the music down some. "I need you to come help me hide a coffin." Secret frowned. "One of Klaus's?" She asked. "Please, he will be here soon and it will be a perfect time for brother-sister bonding." Damon tried to persuade. "What if he asks me?" Damon sighed through the phone.

"You're on vervain, Secret, he can't compel you. Please do this, for me?" Secret stayed quiet as she tried to figure out what to do. "Fine, im coming to the witch house." She hung up, not bothering to get rid of the humans before she ran. She met Damon up at the house, seeing him stand outside. "Will they let me inside?" Secret asked as Damon walked in.

"Hopefully." Damon jokingly responded as he kept walking. Secret slowly walked in, when nothing happened, she ran and caught up to her brother. "We only have time to take one." Damon walked over to the Coffin sitting away from the others. "How come you guys didn't tell me about this?" Secret frowned as she looked at the other coffins.

"Stefan didn't want you to spill to Klaus." Secret scoffed. "What an ass." She muttered before grabbing the locked coffin. "Lead the way, brother."


Secret walked back to the witch house with Damon, going down the stairs. "What exactly do we do now? Or does Stefan say I don't get to know?" Secret asked bitterly as Damon sighed. "Don't take it out on me, Stefan is the one you should be mad at." He told her as they walked into the room.

"Where are the coffins?" Secret asked in confusion as the room was empty. They turned around as they heard Klaus walk in. "What took you so long?" He glared at Damon. "Oh shit." Secret mumbled. "Hiding behind your witchy friends. And in squalor, no less." Right after he spoke the candles's flames raised higher and Klaus dropped down onto his knees, screaming in pain as he held his head.

Secret tried to run over to him, but Damon grabbed her arm, keeping her from doing so. "Insulting a bunch of dead witches... not smart. I made the exact same mistake first time I came in here." Damon laughed slightly. "Well, you know the funny think about witches is that living or dead, they care about their own." Klaus stated as he talked through the pain, breathing heavily.

"A hundred dead witches have a thousand living descendants..." Klaus screamed in pain once again. "And I have no problem killing every last one of them if I don't get my coffins back." He yelled at the witches as he slowly stood up, his movements rigid because of the pain. "As we speak, my hybrid friend is prepared to end the Bennett line." Klaus grabbed his head in pain before the candles lowered and the witches stopped.

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